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The Unruh effect in quantum information beyond the single-mode approximation

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 نشر من قبل Eduardo Martin-Martinez
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We address the validity of the single-mode approximation that is commonly invoked in the analysis of entanglement in non-inertial frames and in other relativistic quantum information scenarios. We show that the single-mode approximation is not valid for arbitrary states, finding corrections to previous studies beyond such approximation in the bosonic and fermionic cases. We also exhibit a class of wave packets for which the single-mode approximation is justified subject to the peaking constraints set by an appropriate Fourier transform.

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Total entropy generated by the Unruh effect is calculated within the framework of information theory. In contrast to previous studies, here the calculations are done for the finite time of existence of the non-inertial reference frame. In this case o nly the finite number of particles is produced. Dependence on mass of the emitted particles is taken into account. Analytic expression for the entropy of radiated boson and fermion spectra is derived. We study also its asymptotics corresponding to limiting cases of low and high acceleration. The obtained results can be further generalized to other intrinsic degrees of freedom of the emitted particles, such as spin and electric charge.
Quantum noise limits the sensitivity of precision measurement devices, such as laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatories and axion detectors. In the shot-noise-limited regime, these resonant detectors are subject to a trade-off between th e peak sensitivity and bandwidth. One approach to circumvent this limitation in gravitational-wave detectors is to embed an anomalous-dispersion optomechanical filter to broaden the bandwidth. The original filter cavity design, however, makes the entire system unstable. Recently, we proposed the coherent feedback between the arm cavity and the optomechanical filter to eliminate the instability via PT-symmetry. The original analysis based upon the Hamiltonian formalism adopted the single-mode and resolved-sideband approximations. In this paper, we go beyond these approximations and consider realistic parameters. We show that the main conclusion concerning stability remains intact, with both Nyquist analysis and a detailed time-domain simulation.
A helicity entangled tripartite state is considered in which the degree of entanglement is preserved in non-inertial frames. It is shown that Quantum Entanglement remains observer independent. As another measure of quantum correlation, Quantum Discor d has been investigated. It is explicitly shown that acceleration has no effect on the degree of quantum correlation for the bipartite and tripartite helicity entangled states. Geometric Quantum Discord as a Hilbert-Schmidt distance is computed for helicity entangled states. It is shown that living in non-inertial frames does not make any influence on this distance, either. In addition, the analysis has been extended beyond single mode approximation to show that acceleration does not have any impact on the quantum features in the limit beyond the single mode. As an interesting result, while the density matrix depends on the right and left Unruh modes, the Negativity as a measure of Quantum Entanglement remains constant. Also, Quantum Discord does not change beyond single mode approximation.
We study spectral properties of quantum radiation of ultimately short duration. In particular, we introduce a continuous multimode squeezing operator for the description of subcycle pulses of entangled photons generated by a coherent-field driving in a thin nonlinear crystal with second order susceptibility. We find the ultrabroadband spectra of the emitted quantum radiation perturbatively in the strength of the driving field. These spectra can be related to the spectra expected in an Unruh-Davies experiment with a finite time of acceleration. In the time domain, we describe the corresponding behavior of the normally ordered electric field variance.
436 - Ralf Schutzhold 2011
Motivated by recent experimental progress to manipulate the refractive index of dielectric materials by strong laser beams, we study some aspects of the quantum radiation created by such refractive index perturbations.
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