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On the Doppler Shift and Asymmetry of Stokes Profiles of Photospheric FeI and Chromospheric MgI Lines

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 نشر من قبل Na Deng
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We analyzed the full Stokes spectra using simultaneous measurements of the photospheric (FeI 630.15 and 630.25 nm) and chromospheric (MgI b2 517.27 nm) lines. The data were obtained with the HAO/NSO Advanced Stokes Polarimeter, about a near disc center sunspot region, NOAA AR 9661. We compare the characteristics of Stokes profiles in terms of Doppler shifts and asymmetries among the three spectral lines, which helps us to better understand the chromospheric lines and the magnetic and flow fields in different magnetic regions. The main results are: (1) For penumbral area observed by the photospheric FeI lines, Doppler velocities derived from Stokes I (Vi) are very close to those derived from linear polarization profiles (Vlp) but significantly different from those derived from Stokes V profiles (Vzc), which provides direct and strong evidence that the penumbral Evershed flows are magnetized and mainly carried by the horizontal magnetic component. (2) The rudimentary inverse Evershed effect observed by the MgI b2 line provides a qualitative evidence on its formation height that is around or just above the temperature minimum region. (3) Vzc and Vlp in penumbrae and Vzc in pores generally approach their Vi observed by the chromospheric MgI line, which is not the case for the photospheric FeI lines. (4) Outer penumbrae and pores show similar behavior of the Stokes V asymmetries that tend to change from positive values in the photosphere (FeI lines) to negative values in the low chromosphere (MgI line). (5) The Stokes V profiles in plage regions are highly asymmetric in the photosphere and more symmetric in the low chromosphere. (6) Strong red shifts and large asymmetries are found around the magnetic polarity inversion line within the common penumbra of the Delta spot. This study thus emphasizes the importance of spectro-polarimetry using chromospheric lines.

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The Sun is replete with magnetic fields, with sunspots, pores and plage regions being their most prominent representatives on the solar surface. But even far away from these active regions, magnetic fields are ubiquitous. To a large extent, their imp ortance for the thermodynamics in the solar photosphere is determined by the total magnetic flux. Whereas in low-flux quiet Sun regions, magnetic structures are shuffled around by the motion of granules, the high-flux areas like sunspots or pores effectively suppress convection, leading to a temperature decrease of up to 3000 K. The importance of magnetic fields to the conditions in higher atmospheric layers, the chromosphere and corona, is indisputable. Magnetic fields in both active and quiet regions are the main coupling agent between the outer layers of the solar atmosphere, and are therefore not only involved in the structuring of these layers, but also for the transport of energy from the solar surface through the corona to the interplanetary space. Consequently, inference of magnetic fields in the photosphere, and especially in the chromosphere, is crucial to deepen our understanding not only for solar phenomena such as chromospheric and coronal heating, flares or coronal mass ejections, but also for fundamental physical topics like dynamo theory or atomic physics. In this review, we present an overview of significant advances during the last decades in measurement techniques, analysis methods, and the availability of observatories, together with some selected results. We discuss the problems of determining magnetic fields at smallest spatial scales, connected with increasing demands on polarimetric sensitivity and temporal resolution, and highlight some promising future developments for their solution.
We present Doppler imaging and a Balmer line analysis of the weak-line T Tauri star TWA 17. Spectra were taken in 2006 with the UCL Echelle Spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Using least-squares deconvolution to improve the effective sig nal-to-noise ratio we produced a Doppler map of the surface spot distribution. This shows similar features to maps of other rapidly rotating T Tauri stars, i.e. a polar spot with more spots extending out of it down to the equator. In addition to the photospheric variability, the chromospheric variability was studied using the Balmer emission. The mean H-alpha profile has a narrow component consistent with rotational broadening and a broad component extending out to +/-220 km/s. The variability in H-alpha suggests that the chromosphere has at least one slingshot prominence 3 stellar radii above the surface.
151 - A. Frasca 2010
We present the results of contemporaneous spectroscopic and photometric monitoring of the young solar-type star HD171488 (Prot~1.337 d) aimed at studying surface inhomogeneities at photospheric/chromospheric levels. Echelle FOCES spectra (R~40000) an d Johnson photometry have been performed in 2006. Spectral type, rotational velocity, metallicity, and gravity were determined using a code developed by us. The metallicity was measured from the analysis of iron lines. The spectral subtraction technique was applied to the most relevant chromospheric diagnostics included in the FOCES spectral range (CaII IRT, Halpha, HeI-D3, Hbeta, CaII H&K). A model with two large high-latitude spots is sufficient to reproduce the B/V light curves and the radial velocity modulation, if a temperature difference between photosphere and spots of 1500 K is used. A Doppler imaging analysis of photospheric lines confirms a similar spot distribution. With the help of an analogous geometric two-spot model, we are able to reproduce the modulations in the residual chromospheric emissions adopting different values of ratios between the flux of plages and quiet chromosphere (5 for Halpha and 3 for CaII). Facular regions of solar type appear to be the main responsible for the modulations of chromospheric diagnostics. Both the spot/plage model and the cross-correlation between the light curve and the chromospheric line fluxes display a lead effect of plages with respect to spots (20-40 deg in longitude). The active regions of the rapidly rotating star HD171488 are similar to the solar ones in some respect, because the spot temperature is close to that of sunspot umbrae and the plage flux-contrast is consistent with the average solar values. The main differences with respect to the Sun are larger sizes and higher latitudes.
The zero point of measured photospheric Doppler shifts is uncertain for at least two reasons: instrumental variations (from, e.g., thermal drifts), and the convective blueshift, a known correlation between intensity and upflows. Calibrated Doppler ve locities would be useful for (i) improving estimates of the Poynting flux of magnetic energy across the photosphere, and (ii) constraining processes underlying flux cancellation, the mutual apparent loss of magnetic flux in closely spaced, opposite-polarity magnetogram features. We present a method to absolutely calibrate line-of-sight (LOS) velocities in solar active regions (ARs) near disk center using three successive vector magnetograms and one Dopplergram coincident with the central magnetogram. It exploits the fact that Doppler shifts measured along polarity inversion lines (PILs) of the LOS magnetic field determine one component of the velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field, and optimizes consistency between changes in LOS flux near PILs and the transport of transverse magnetic flux by LOS velocities, assuming ideal electric fields govern the magnetic evolution. We apply our method to vector magnetograms of AR 11158, observed by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory, and find clear evidence of offsets in the Doppler zero point, in the range of 50 -- 550 m s$^{-1}$. In addition, we note that a simpler calibration can be determined from an LOS magnetogram and Dopplergram pair from the median Doppler velocity among all near-disk-center PIL pixels. We briefly discuss shortcomings in our initial implementation, and suggest ways to address these. In addition, as a step in our data reduction, we discuss use of temporal continuity in the transverse magnetic field direction to correct apparently spurious fluctuations in resolution of the 180$^circ$ ambiguity.
169 - K. Vida , H. Korhonen , I.V. Ilyin 2015
We study the connection between the chromospheric and photospheric behaviour of the active late-type star FK Comae. We use spot temperature modelling, light curve inversion based on narrow- and wide-band photometric measurements, Halpha observations from 1997-2010, and Doppler maps from 2004-2010 to compare the behaviour of chromospheric and photospheric features. Investigating low-resolution Halpha spectra we find that the changes in the chromosphere seem to happen mainly on a time scale longer than a few hours, but shorter variations were also observed. According to the Halpha measurements prominences are often found in the chromosphere that reach to more than a stellar radius and are stable for weeks, and which seem to be often, but not every time connected with dark photospheric spots. The rotational modulation of the Halpha emission seems to typically be anticorrelated with the light curve, but we did not find convincing evidence of a clear connection in the long-term trends of the Halpha emission and the brightness of the star. In addition, FK Com seems to be in an unusually quiet state in 2009-2010 with very little chromospheric activity and low spot contrast, that might indicate the long-term decrease of activity.
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