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Stock loan with Automatic termination clause, cap and margin

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 نشر من قبل Zongxia Liang
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper works out fair values of stock loan model with automatic termination clause, cap and margin. This stock loan is treated as a generalized perpetual American option with possibly negative interest rate and some constraints. Since it helps a bank to control the risk, the banks charge less service fees compared to stock loans without any constraints. The automatic termination clause, cap and margin are in fact a stop order set by the bank. Mathematically, it is a kind of optimal stopping problems arising from the pricing of financial products which is first revealed. We aim at establishing explicitly the value of such a loan and ranges of fair values of key parameters : this loan size, interest rate, cap, margin and fee for providing such a service and quantity of this automatic termination clause and relationships among these parameters as well as the optimal exercise times. We present numerical results and make analysis about the model parameters and how they impact on value of stock loan.

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اقرأ أيضاً

347 - Zongxia Liang , Weiming Wu 2010
In this paper we first introduce two new financial products: stock loan and capped stock loan. Then we develop a pure variational inequality method to establish explicitly the values of these stock loans. Finally, we work out ranges of fair values of parameters associated with the loans.
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A new financial instrument (a new kind of a loan) is introduced. The loan-stock instrument (LSI) combines fixed rate instruments (loans, etc.) with other financial instruments that have higher volatilities and returns (stocks, mutual funds, currencie s, derivatives, options, etc.). This new loan depends on the value of underlying security (for example, stock) in such a way that when underlying security increases, the value of loan decreases and backwards. The procedure to create a risk free portfolio and a technique to fairly price the LSI is described. The philosophy behind this procedure is quite similar to the Black-Scholes formalism in option theory. Creation of the risk free portfolio is possible because the change in the underlying security offsets the change in the value of the loan (or the amount that the borrower has to repay). The new financial instrument takes an advantage of the fact that on average the stock market grows in time. It is beneficial for both the borrower and the lender. The LSI is more attractive for the borrower than the traditional loan is due to the decrease in the amount that has to be repaid. This attractiveness constitutes the benefit for the lender in terms of the market share among the borrowers. In addition, the lender can charge the extra premium.
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