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Source laser intense pour le refroidissement du 87Rb par doublement de frequence dun laser fibre telecom

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 نشر من قبل Helene Perrin
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Paul-Eric Pottie

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We built a frequency-doubled laser for 87Rb laser cooling, from a Telecom fiber laser. Thanks to intense technological development, telecom fiber lasers exhibit outstanding properties regarding relative intensity noise and modulation bandwidth. The enhanced doubling efficiency of periodically poled crystals allowed to obtain up to 1.8 W at 780 nm from 10 W at 1560 nm, with a simple pass configuration in a 50-mm long crystal of ppLN:MgO. This technique can also be applied at the wavelength of potassium (767 nm) (Bourdel, 2009) and could be of great interest for the realization of dipole traps.

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56 - Morgane Bellec 2019
The French collaborative Trio4CLF project aims to understand and control the cryogenic cooling of amplifiers for high power (~1 PetaWatt) and high repetition rate (1-10 Hertz) lasers. In such amplifiers, the fluid evacuates the thermal power absorbed by the solid amplifying plates. A precise knowledge of the heat exchange and thus of the turbulent fluid flow in the amplifier is requested to evaluate its impact on the laser beam quality. As a first step, a Large Eddy Simulation is carried out in air without heating to study the development of the turbulent flow. The CFD code used is TrioCFD, a code developed by the CEA. For validation purpose, the simulation is carried out in the experimental setup configuration: a closed-loop wind tunnel called TRANSAT. Two horizontal plates, separated by 0.05 m, are put in the airflow to represent the amplifier plates. Turbulent boundary layers develop from the plates edges. Numerically, the entrance flow is a homogeneous planar flow with a constant velocity at 10 m/s. The results of this Large Eddy Simulation are presented in this paper as a study of the development of the turbulent boundary layers created by the plates.
We propose a novel technique that promises hope of being the first to directly detect a polarization in the quantum electrodynamic (QED) vacuum. The technique is based upon the use of ultra-short pulses of light circulating in low dispersion optical resonators. We show that the technique circumvents the need for large scale liquid helium cooled magnets, and more importantly avoids the experimental pitfalls that plague existing experiments that make use of these magnets. Likely improvements in the performance of optics and lasers would result in the ability to observe vacuum polarization in an experiment of only a few hours duration.
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Synchronising ultra-short (~fs) and focussed laser pulses is a particularly difficult task, as this timescale lies orders of magnitude below the typical range of fast electronic devices. Here we present an optical technique that allows for femtosecon d-scale synchronisation of the focal planes of two focussed laser pulses. This technique is virtually applicable to any focussing geometry and relative intensity of the two lasers. Experimental implementation of this technique provides excellent quantitative agreement with theoretical expectations. The proposed technique will prove highly beneficial for the next generation of multiple, petawatt class laser systems.
Breathing solitons are nonlinear waves in which the energy concentrates in a localized and oscillatory fashion. Similarly to stationary solitons, breathers in dissipative systems can form stable bound states displaying molecule-like dynamics, which a re frequently called breather molecules. So far, the experimental observation of optical breather molecules and the real-time detection of their dynamics have been limited to diatomic molecules, that is, bound states of only two breathers. In this work, we report on the observation of different types of breather complexes in a mode-locked fibre laser: multi-breather molecules, and molecular complexes originating from the binding of two breather-pair molecules or a breather pair molecule and a single breather. The inter-molecular temporal separation of the molecular complexes attains several hundreds of picoseconds, which is more than an order of magnitude larger than that of their stationary soliton counterparts and is a signature of long-range interactions. Numerical simulations of the laser model support our experimental findings. Moreover, non-equilibrium dynamics of breathing solitons are also observed, including breather collisions and annihilation. Our work opens the possibility of studying the dynamics of many-body systems in which breathers are the elementary constituents.
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