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Logarithmic Correlators in Non-relativistic Conformal Field Theory

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 نشر من قبل Shahin Rouhani
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
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We show how logarithmic terms may arise in the correlators of fields which belong to the representation of the Schrodinger-Virasoro algebra (SV) or the affine Galilean Conformal Algebra (GCA). We show that in GCA, only scaling operator can have a Jordanian form and rapidity can not. We observe that in both algebras logarithmic dependence appears along the time direction alone.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Recent developments on emergence of logarithmic terms in correlators or response functions of models which exhibit dynamical symmetries analogous to conformal invariance in not necessarily relativistic systems are reviewed. The main examples of these are logarithmic Schrodinger-invariance and logarithmic conformal Galilean invariance. Some applications of these ideas to statistical physics are described.
Motivated by applications to the study of ultracold atomic gases near the unitarity limit, we investigate the structure of the operator product expansion (OPE) in non-relativistic conformal field theories (NRCFTs). The main tool used in our analysis is the representation theory of charged (i.e. non-zero particle number) operators in the NRCFT, in particular the mapping between operators and states in a non-relativistic radial quantization Hilbert space. Our results include: a determination of the OPE coefficients of descendant operators in terms of those of the underlying primary state, a demonstration of convergence of the (imaginary time) OPE in certain kinematic limits, and an estimate of the decay rate of the OPE tail inside matrix elements which, as in relativistic CFTs, depends exponentially on operator dimensions. To illustrate our results we consider several examples, including a strongly interacting field theory of bosons tuned to the unitarity limit, as well as a class of holographic models. Given the similarity with known statements about the OPE in SO(2,d) invariant field theories, our results suggest the existence of a bootstrap approach to constraining NRCFTs, with applications to bound state spectra and interactions. We briefly comment on a possible implementation of this non-relativistic conformal bootstrap program.
Using the proposed AdS/CFT correspondence, we calculate the correlators of operators of conformal field theory at the boundary of AdS$_{d+1}$ corresponding to the sine-Gordon model in the bulk.
Logarithmic conformal field theories are based on vertex algebras with non-semisimple representation categories. While examples of such theories have been known for more than 25 years, some crucial aspects of local logarithmic CFTs have been understo od only recently, with the help of a description of conformal blocks by modular functors. We present some of these results, both about bulk fields and about boundary fields and boundary states. We also describe some recent progress towards a derived modular functor. This is a summary of work with Terry Gannon, Simon Lentner, Svea Mierach, Gregor Schaumann and Yorck Sommerhauser.
In the AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$ correspondence, we find some conformal field theory (CFT) states that have no bulk description by the Ba~nados geometry. We elaborate the constraints for a CFT state to be geometric, i.e., having a dual Ba~nados metric, by comp aring the order of central charge of the entanglement/Renyi entropy obtained respectively from the holographic method and the replica trick in CFT. We find that the geometric CFT states fulfill Bohrs correspondence principle by reducing the quantum KdV hierarchy to its classical counterpart. We call the CFT states that satisfy the geometric constraints geometric states, and otherwise non-geometric states. We give examples of both the geometric and non-geometric states, with the latter case including the superposition states and descendant states.
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