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Light Curve Templates and Galactic Distribution of RR Lyrae Stars from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82

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 نشر من قبل Branimir Sesar
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an improved analysis of halo substructure traced by RR Lyrae stars in the SDSS stripe 82 region. With the addition of SDSS-II data, a revised selection method based on new ugriz light curve templates results in a sample of 483 RR Lyrae stars that is essentially free of contamination. The main result from our first study persists: the spatial distribution of halo stars at galactocentric distances 5--100 kpc is highly inhomogeneous. At least 20% of halo stars within 30 kpc from the Galactic center can be statistically associated with substructure. We present strong direct evidence, based on both RR Lyrae stars and main sequence stars, that the halo stellar number density profile significantly steepens beyond a Galactocentric distance of ~30 kpc, and a larger fraction of the stars are associated with substructure. By using a novel method that simultaneously combines data for RR Lyrae and main sequence stars, and using photometric metallicity estimates for main sequence stars derived from deep co-added u-band data, we measure the metallicity of the Sagittarius dSph tidal stream (trailing arm) towards R.A.2h-3h and Dec~0 deg to be 0.3 dex higher ([Fe/H]=-1.2) than that of surrounding halo field stars. Together with a similar result for another major halo substructure, the Monoceros stream, these results support theoretical predictions that an early forming, smooth inner halo, is metal poor compared to high surface brightness material that have been accreted onto a later-forming outer halo. The mean metallicity of stars in the outer halo that are not associated with detectable clumps may still be more metal-poor than the bulk of inner-halo stars, as has been argued from other data sets.

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Giant, star-forming clumps are a common feature prevalent amongst high-redshift star-forming galaxies and play a critical role in shaping their chaotic morphologies and yet, their nature and role in galaxy evolution remains to be fully understood. A majority of the effort to study clumps has been focused at high redshifts, and local clump studies have often suffered from small sample sizes. In this work, we present an analysis of clump properties in the local universe, and for the first time, performed with a statistically significant sample. With the help of the citizen science-powered Galaxy Zoo: Hubble project, we select a sample of 92 $z<0.06$ clumpy galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 galaxies. Within this sample, we identify 543 clumps using a contrast-based image analysis algorithm and perform photometry as well as estimate their stellar population properties. The overall properties of our $z<0.06$ clump sample are comparable to the high-redshift clumps. However, contrary to the high-redshift studies, we find no evidence of a gradient in clump ages or masses as a function of their galactocentric distances. Our results challenge the inward migration scenario for clump evolution for the local universe, potentially suggesting a larger contribution of ex-situ clumps and/or longer clump migration timescales.
We present a new approach to analysing the dependence of quasar variability on rest-frame wavelengths. We exploited the spectral archive of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to create a sample of more than 9000 quasars in the Stripe 82. The quasar catalogue was matched with the Light Motion Curve Catalogue for SDSS Stripe 82 and individual first-order structure functions were computed. The structure functions are used to create a variability indicator that is related to the same intrinsic timescales for all quasars (1 to 2 yr in the rest frame). We study the variability ratios for adjacent SDSS filter bands as a function of redshift. While variability is almost always stronger in the bluer passband compared to the redder, the variability ratio depends on whether strong emission lines contribute to either one band or the other. The variability ratio-redshift relations resemble the corresponding colour index-redshift relations. From the comparison with Monte Carlo simulations of variable quasar spectra we find that the observed variability ratio-redshift relations are closely fitted assuming that (a) the r.m.s. fluctuation of the quasar continuum follows a power law-dependence on the intrinsic wavelength with an exponent -2 (i.e., bluer when brighter) and (b) the variability of the emission line flux is only about 10% of that of the underlying continuum. These results, based upon the photometry of more than 8000 quasars, confirm the previous findings by Wilhite et al. (2005) from 315 quasars with repeated SDSS spectroscopy. Finally, we find that quasars with unusual spectra and weak emission lines tend to have less variability than conventional quasars. This trend is opposite to what is expected from the dilution effect of variability due to line emission and may be indicative of high Eddington ratios in these unconventinal quasars.
81 - V.F. Braga 2018
We provide homogeneous optical (UBVRI) and near-infrared (JHK) time series photometry for 254 cluster (omega Cen, M4) and field RR Lyrae (RRL) variables. We ended up with more than 551,000 measurements. For 94 fundamental (RRab) and 51 first overtone s (RRc) we provide a complete optical/NIR characterization (mean magnitudes, luminosity amplitudes, epoch of the anchor point). The NIR light curves of these variables were adopted to provide new and accurate light-curve templates for both RRc (single period bin) and RRab (three period bins) variables. The templates for the J and the H band are newly introduced, together with the use of the pulsation period to discriminate among the different RRab templates. To overcome subtle uncertainties in the fit of secondary features of the light curves we provide two independent sets of analytical functions (Fourier series, Periodic Gaussian functions). The new templates were validated by using 26 omega Cen and Bulge RRLs covering the four period bins. We found that the difference between the measured mean magnitude along the light curve and the mean magnitude estimated by using the template on a single randomly extracted phase point is better than 0.01 mag (sigma=0.04 mag). We also validated the template on variables for which at least three phase points were available, but without information on the phase of the anchor point. The accuracy of the mean magnitudes is ~0.01 mag (sigma=0.04 mag). The new templates were applied to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) globular Reticulum and by using literature data and predicted PLZ relations we found true distance moduli of 18.47+-0.10+-0.03 mag (J) and 18.49+-0.09+-0.05 mag (K). We also used literature optical and mid-infrared data and we found a mean true distance modulus of 18.47+-0.02+-0.06 mag, suggesting that Reticulum is ~1 kpc closer than the LMC.
347 - James E. Geach 2011
We present a catalogue of 4098 photometrically selected galaxy clusters with a median redshift <z> = 0.32 in the 270 square degree Stripe 82 region of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), covering the celestial equator in the Southern Galactic Cap (- 50 < RA < 59 deg, |Dec| < 1.25 deg). Owing to the multi-epoch SDSS coverage of this region, the ugriz photometry is ~2 magnitudes deeper than single scans within the main SDSS footprint. We exploit this to detect clusters of galaxies using an algorithm that searches for statistically significant overdensities of galaxies in a Voronoi tessellation of the projected sky. 32% of the clusters have at least one member with a spectroscopic redshift from existing public data (SDSS Data Release 7, 2SLAQ & WiggleZ), and the remainder have a robust photometric redshift (accurate to ~5-9% at the median redshift of the sample). The weighted average of the member galaxies redshifts provides a reasonably accurate estimate of the cluster redshift. The cluster catalogue is publicly available for exploitation by the community to pursue a range of science objectives. In addition to the cluster catalogue, we provide a linked catalogue of 18,295 V<21 mag quasar sight-lines with impact parameters within <3 Mpc of the cluster cores selected from the catalogue of Veron et al. (2010). The background quasars cover 0.25 < z < 2, where MgII absorption-line systems associated with the clusters are detectable in optical spectra.
118 - M. L. Jones 2016
An important question in extragalactic astronomy concerns the distribution of black hole accretion rates of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Based on observations at X-ray wavelengths, the observed Eddington ratio distribution appears as a power law, wh ile optical studies have often yielded a lognormal distribution. There is increasing evidence that these observed discrepancies may be due to contamination by star formation and other selection effects. Using a sample of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7, we test if an intrinsic Eddington ratio distribution that takes the form of a Schechter function is consistent with previous work that suggests that young galaxies in optical surveys have an observed lognormal Eddington ratio distribution. We simulate the optical emission line properties of a population of galaxies and AGN using a broad instantaneous luminosity distribution described by a Schechter function near the Eddington limit. This simulated AGN population is then compared to observed galaxies via the positions on an emission line excitation diagram and Eddington ratio distributions. We present an improved method for extracting the AGN distribution using BPT diagnostics that allows us to probe over one order of magnitude lower in Eddington ratio counteracting the effects of dilution by star formation. We conclude that for optically selected AGN in young galaxies, the intrinsic Eddington ratio distribution is consistent with a possibly universal, broad power law with an exponential cutoff, as this distribution is observed in old optically selected galaxies and in X-rays.
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