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The tip of the iceberg: the frequency content of the Delta Sct star HD 50844 from CoRoT space photometry

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 نشر من قبل Ennio Poretti
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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It has been suggested that the detection of a wealth of very low amplitude modes in Delta Sct stars was only a matter of signal--to--noise ratio. Access to this treasure, impossible from the ground, is one of the scientific aims of the space mission CoRoT, developed and operated by CNES. This work presents the results obtained on HD 50844: the 140,016 datapoints allowed us to reach the level of 10^{-5} mag in the amplitude spectra. The frequency analysis of the CoRoT timeseries revealed hundreds of terms in the frequency range 0--30 d^{-1}. The initial guess that Delta Sct stars have a very rich frequency content is confirmed. The spectroscopic mode identification gives theoretical support since very high--degree modes (up to ell=14) are identified. We also prove that cancellation effects are not sufficient in removing the flux variations associated to these modes at the noise level of the CoRoT measurements. The ground--based observations indicate that HD 50844 is an evolved star that is slightly underabundant in heavy elements, located on the Terminal Age Main Sequence. The predominant term (f_1=6.92 d^{-1}) has been identified as the fundamental radial mode combining ground-based photometric and spectroscopic data. This work is based on observations made with ESO telescopes under the Large Programme LP 178.D-0361.

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165 - E. Poretti 2009
It has also been suggested that the detection of a wealth of very low amplitude modes in Delta Sct stars was only a matter of signal--to--noise ratio. Access to this treasure, impossible from the ground, is one of the scientific aims of the space mis sion CoRoT, a space mission developed and operated by CNES. This work presents the results obtained on HD 50844: the 140,016 datapoints were analysed using independent approaches and several checks performed. A level of 10^{-5} mag was reached in the amplitude spectra of the CoRoT timeseries. The frequency analysis of the CoRoT timeseries revealed hundreds of terms in the frequency range 0--30 d^{-1}. All the cross--checks confirmed this new result. The initial guess that Delta Sct stars have a very rich frequency content is confirmed. The spectroscopic mode identification gives theoretical support since very high--degree modes (up to ell=14) are identified. We also prove that cancellation effects are not sufficient in removing the flux variations associated to these modes at the noise level of the CoRoT measurements. The ground--based observations indicate that HD 50844 is an evolved star that is slightly underabundant in heavy elements, located on the Terminal Age Main Sequence. Probably due to this unfavourable evolutionary status, no clear regular distribution is observed in the frequency set. The predominant term (f_1=6.92 d^{-1}) has been identified as the fundamental radial mode combining ground-based photometric and spectroscopic data. This work is also based on observations made with ESO telescopes under the ESO Large Programme LP178.D-0361 and on data collected at the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada, at the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional San Pedro Martir, and at the Piszkesteto Mountain Station of Konkoly Observatory.
We present the results obtained with the CoRoT satellite for HD 50870, a Delta Sct star which was observed for 114.4 d. The 307,570 CoRoT datapoints were analysed with different techniques. The photometric observations were complemented over 15 night s of high-resolution spectroscopy with HARPS on a baseline of 25 d. Some uvby photometric observations were also obtained to better characterize the pulsation modes. HD 50870 proved to be a low-amplitude, long-period spectroscopic binary system seen almost pole-on (i~21 deg. The brighter component, which also has the higher rotational velocity (v sin i=37.5 km/s), is a delta Sct-type variable. There is a dominant axisymmetric mode (17.16 c/d). After the detection of about 250 terms (corresponding to an amplitude of about 0.045 mmag) a flat plateau appears in the power spectrum in the low-frequency region up to about 35 c/d. We were able to detect this plateau only thanks to the short cadence sampling of the CoRoT measurements (32 s). The density distribution vs. frequency of the detected frequencies seems rule out the possibility that this plateau is the result of a process with a continuum power spectrum. The spacings of the strongest modes suggest a quasi-periodic pattern. We failed to find a satisfactory seismic model that simultaneously matches the frequency range, the position in the HR diagram, and the quasi-periodic pattern interpreted as a large separation. Nineteen modes were detected spectroscopically from the line profile variations and associated to the photometric ones. Tentative l,m values have been attributed to the modes detected spectroscopically. Prograde as well as retrograde modes are present with l degree values up to 9. There are no traces of variability induced by solar-like oscillations.
We present the CoRoT light curve of the bright B2.5V star HD 48977 observed during a short run of the mission in 2008, as well as a high-resolution spectrum gathered with the HERMES spectrograph at the Mercator telescope. We use several time series a nalysis tools to explore the nature of the variations present in the light curve. We perform a detailed analysis of the spectrum of the star to determine its fundamental parameters and its element abundances. We find a large number of high-order g-modes, and one rotationally induced frequency. We find stable low-amplitude frequencies in the p-mode regime as well. We conclude that HD 48977 is a new Slowly Pulsating B star with fundamental parameters found to be Teff = 20000 $pm$ 1000 K and log(g)=4.2 $/pm$ 0.1. The element abundances are similar to those found for other B stars in the solar neighbourhood. HD 48977 was observed during a short run of the CoRoT satellite implying that the frequency precision is insufficient to perform asteroseismic modelling of the star. Nevertheless, we show that a longer time series of this star would be promising for such modelling. Our present study contributes to a detailed mapping of the instability strips of B stars in view of the dominance of g-mode pulsations in the star, several of which occur in the gravito-inertial regime.
OB stars are important constituents for the ecology of the Universe, and there are only a few studies on their pulsational properties detailed enough to provide important feedback on current evolutionary models. Our goal is to analyse and interpret t he behaviour present in the CoRoT light curve of the B0.5 IV star HD 51756 observed during the second long run of the space mission, and to determine the fundamental stellar parameters from ground-based spectroscopy gathered with the CORALIE and HARPS instruments after checking for signs of variability and binarity, thus making a step further in mapping the top of the Beta Cep instability strip. We compare the newly obtained high-resolution spectra with synthetic spectra of late O-type and early B-type stars computed on a grid of stellar parameters. We match the results with evolutionary tracks to estimate stellar parameters. We use various time series analysis tools to explore the nature of the variations present in the light curve. Additional calculations are carried out based on distance and historical position measurements of the components to impose constraints on the binary orbit. We find that HD 51756 is a wide binary with both a slow (v sin i approx 28 km s^-1) and a fast (v sin i approx 170 km s^-1) early-B rotator whose atmospheric parameters are similar (T_eff approx 30000 K and log g approx 3.75). We are unable to detect pulsation in any of the components, and we interpret the harmonic structure in the frequency spectrum as sign of rotational modulation, which is compatible with the observed and deduced stellar parameters of both components. The non-detection of pulsation modes provides a feedback on the theoretical treatment, given that non-adiabatic computations applied to appropriate stellar models predict the excitation of both pressure and gravity modes for the fundamental parameters of this star.
We concentrate on an asteroseismological study of HD 261711, a rather hot delta Scuti type pulsating member of the young open cluster NGC 2264 located at the blue border of the instability region. HD 261711 was discovered to be a pre-main sequence de lta Scuti star using the time series photometry obtained by the MOST satellite in 2006. High-precision, time-series photometry of HD 261711 was obtained by the MOST and CoRoT satellites in 4 separate new observing runs that are put into context with the stars fundamental atmospheric parameters obtained from spectroscopy. With the new MOST data set from 2011/12 and the two CoRoT light curves from 2008 and 2011/12, the delta Scuti variability was confirmed and regular groups of frequencies were discovered. The two pulsation frequencies identified in the data from the first MOST observing run in 2006 are confirmed and 23 new delta Scuti-type frequencies were discovered using the CoRoT data. Weighted average frequencies for each group are related to l=0 and l=1 p-modes. Evidence for amplitude modulation of the frequencies in two groups is seen. The effective temperature was derived to be 8600$pm$200 K, log g is 4.1$pm$0.2, and the projected rotational velocity is 53$pm$1km/s. Using our Teff value and the radius of 1.8$pm$0.5 Rsun derived from SED fitting, we get a log L/Lsun of 1.20$pm$0.14 which agrees well to the seismologically determined values of 1.65 Rsun and, hence, a log L/Lsun of 1.13. The radial velocity of 14$pm$2 km/s we derived for HD 261711, confirms the stars membership to NGC 2264. Our asteroseismic models suggest that HD 261711 is a delta Scuti-type star close to the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) with a mass of 1.8 to 1.9Msun. HD 261711 is either a young ZAMS star or a late PMS star just before the onset of hydrogen-core burning.
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