Holographic Confining Gauge theory and Response to Electric Field

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the response of confining gauge theory to the external electric field by using holographic Yang-Mills theories in the large $N_c$ limit. Although the theories are in the confinement phase, we find a transition from the insulator to the conductor phase when the electric field exceeds its critical value. Then, the baryon number current is generated in the conductor phase. At the same time, in this phase, the meson melting is observed through the quasi-normal modes of meson spectrum. Possible ideas are given for the string state corresponding to the melted mesons, and they lead to the idea that the source of this current may be identified with the quarks and anti-quarks supplied by the melted mesons. We also discuss about other possible carriers. Furthermore, from the analysis of the massless quark, chiral symmetry restoration is observed at the insulator-conductor transition point by studying a confining theory in which the chiral symmetry is broken.

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