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Uncertainty Factors for Stage-Specific and Cumulative Results of Indirect Measurements

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 نشر من قبل B. P. Datta
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف B. P. Datta

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Evaluation of a variable Yd from certain measured variable(s) Xi(s), by making use of their system-specific-relationship (SSR), is generally referred as the indirect measurement. Naturally the SSR may stand for a simple data-translation process in a given case, but a set of equations, or even a cascade of different such processes, in some other case. Further, though the measurements are a priori ensured to be accurate, there is no definite method for examining whether the result obtained at the end of an SSR, specifically a cascade of SSRs, is really representative as the measured Xi-values. Of Course, it was recently shown that the uncertainty (ed) in the estimate (yd) of a specified Yd is given by a specified linear combination of corresponding measurement-uncertainties (uis). Here, further insight into this principle is provided by its application to the cases represented by cascade-SSRs. It is exemplified how the different stage-wise uncertainties (Ied, IIed, ... ed), that is to say the requirements for the evaluation to be successful, could even a priori be predicted. The theoretical tools (SSRs) have resemblance with the real world measuring devices (MDs), and hence are referred as also the data transformation scales (DTSs). However, non-uniform behavior appears to be the feature of the DTSs rather than of the MDs.

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479 - B. P. Datta 2011
Any physiochemical variable (Ym) is always determined from certain measured variables {Xi}. The uncertainties {ui} of measuring {Xi} are generally a priori ensured as acceptable. However, there is no general method for assessing uncertainty (em) in t he desired Ym, i.e. irrespective of whatever might be its system-specific-relationship (SSR) with {Xi}, and/ or be the causes of {ui}. We here therefore study the behaviors of different typical SSRs. The study shows that any SSR is characterized by a set of parameters, which govern em. That is, em is shown to represent a net SSR-driven (purely systematic) change in ui(s); and it cannot vary for whether ui(s) be caused by either or both statistical and systematic reasons. We thus present the general relationship of em with ui(s), and discuss how it can be used to predict a priori the requirements for an evaluated Ym to be representative, and hence to set the guidelines for designing experiments and also really appropriate evaluation models. Say: Y_m= f_m ({X_i}_(i=1)^N), then, although: e_m= g_m ({u_i}_(i=1)^N), N is not a key factor in governing em. However, simply for varying fm, the em is demonstrated to be either equaling a ui, or >ui, or even <ui. Further, the limiting error (d_m^(Lim.)) in determining an Ym is also shown to be decided by fm (SSR). Thus, all SSRs are classified into two groups: (I) the SSRs that can never lead d_m^(Lim.) to be zero; and (II) the SSRs that enable d_m^(Lim.) to be zero. In fact, the theoretical-tool (SSR) is by pros and cons no different from any discrete experimental-means of a study, and has resemblance with chemical reactions as well.
Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) measurements generally provide phase images which represent the signature of domain structures on the surface of nanomaterials. To quantitatively determine magnetic stray fields based on an MFM image requires calibrate d properties of the magnetic tip. In this work, an approach is presented for calibrating a magnetic tip using a Co/Pt multilayered film as a reference sample which shows stable well-known magnetic properties and well-defined perpendicular band domains. The approach is based on a regularized deconvolution process in Fourier domain with a Wiener filter and the L-curve method for determining a suitable regularization parameter to get a physically reasonable result. The calibrated tip is applied for a traceable quantitative determination of the stray fields of a test sample which has a patial frequency spectrum covered by that of the reference sample. According to the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, uncertainties of the processing algorithm are estimated considering the fact that the regularization influences significantly the quantitative analysis. We discuss relevant uncertainty components and their propagations between real domain and Fourier domain for both, the tip calibration procedure and the stray field calculation, and propose an uncertainty evaluation procedure for quantitative magnetic force microscopy.
272 - B. P. Datta 2011
In isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), any sample (S) measurement is performed as a relative-difference ((S/W)di) from a working-lab-reference (W), but the result is evaluated relative to a recommended-standard (D): (S/D)di. It is thus assumed th at different source specific results ((S1/D)di, (S2/D)di) would represent their sources (S1, S2), and be accurately intercomparable. However, the assumption has never been checked. In this manuscript we carry out this task by considering a system as CO2+-IRMS. We present a model for a priori predicting output-uncertainty. Our study shows that scale-conversion, even with the aid of auxiliary-reference-standard(s) Ai(s), cannot make (S/D)di free from W; and the ((S/W)di,(A1/W)di,(A2/W)di) To (S/D)di conversion-formula normally used in the literature is invalid. Besides, the latter-relation has been worked out, which leads to e.g., fJ([(S/W)dJCO2pmp%],[(A1/W)dJCO2pmp%],[(A2/W)dJCO2pmp%]) = ((S/D)dJCO2pm4.5p%); whereas FJ([(S/W)dJCO2pmp%],[(A1/W)dJCO2pmp%]) = ((S/D)dJCO2pm1.2p%). That is, contrary to the general belief (Nature 1978, 271, 534), the scale-conversion by employing one than two Ai-standards should ensure (S/D)di to be more accurate. However, a more valuable finding is that the transformation of any d-estimate into its absolute value helps improve accuracy, or any reverse-process enhances uncertainty. Thus, equally accurate though the absolute-estimates of isotopic-CO2 and constituent-elemental-isotopic abundance-ratios could be, in contradistinction any differential-estimate is shown to be less accurate. Further, for S and D to be similar, any absolute estimate is shown to turn out nearly absolute accurate but any (S/D)d value as really absurd. That is, estimated source specific absolute values, rather than corresponding differential results, should really represent their sources, and/ or be closely intercomparable.
AMORPH utilizes a new Bayesian statistical approach to interpreting X-ray diffraction results of samples with both crystalline and amorphous components. AMORPH fits X-ray diffraction patterns with a mixture of narrow and wide components, simultaneous ly inferring all of the model parameters and quantifying their uncertainties. The program simulates background patterns previously applied manually, providing reproducible results, and significantly reducing inter- and intra-user biases. This approach allows for the quantification of amorphous and crystalline materials and for the characterization of the amorphous component, including properties such as the centre of mass, width, skewness, and nongaussianity of the amorphous component. Results demonstrate the applicability of this program for calculating amorphous contents of volcanic materials and independently modeling their properties in compositionally variable materials.
We present an unbiased and robust analysis method for power-law blinking statistics in the photoluminescence of single nano-emitters, allowing us to extract both the bright- and dark-state power-law exponents from the emitters intensity autocorrelati on functions. As opposed to the widely-used threshold method, our technique therefore does not require discriminating the emission levels of bright and dark states in the experimental intensity timetraces. We rely on the simultaneous recording of 450 emission timetraces of single CdSe/CdS core/shell quantum dots at a frame rate of 250 Hz with single photon sensitivity. Under these conditions, our approach can determine ON and OFF power-law exponents with a precision of 3% from a comparison to numerical simulations, even for shot-noise-dominated emission signals with an average intensity below 1 photon per frame and per quantum dot. These capabilities pave the way for the unbiased, threshold-free determination of blinking power-law exponents at the micro-second timescale.
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