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Incorporating Photometric Redshift Probability Density Information into Real-Space Clustering Measurements

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 نشر من قبل Adam D. Myers
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Adam D Myers

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The use of photometric redshifts in cosmology is increasing. Often, however these photo-zs are treated like spectroscopic observations, in that the peak of the photometric redshift, rather than the full probability density function (PDF), is used. This overlooks useful information inherent in the full PDF. We introduce a new real-space estimator for one of the most used cosmological statistics, the 2-point correlation function, that weights by the PDF of individual photometric objects in a manner that is optimal when Poisson statistics dominate. As our estimator does not bin based on the PDF peak it substantially enhances the clustering signal by usefully incorporating information from all photometric objects that overlap the redshift bin of interest. As a real-world application, we measure QSO clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find that our simplest binned estimator improves the clustering signal by a factor equivalent to increasing the survey size by a factor of 2-3. We also introduce a new implementation that fully weights between pairs of objects in constructing the cross-correlation and find that this pair-weighted estimator improves clustering signal in a manner equivalent to increasing the survey size by a factor of 4-5. Our technique uses spectroscopic data to anchor the distance scale and it will be particularly useful where spectroscopic data (e.g, from BOSS) overlaps deeper photometry (e.g.,from Pan-STARRS, DES or the LSST). We additionally provide simple, informative expressions to determine when our estimator will be competitive with the autocorrelation of spectroscopic objects. Although we use QSOs as an example population, our estimator can and should be applied to any clustering estimate that uses photometric objects.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We introduce an ordinal classification algorithm for photometric redshift estimation, which significantly improves the reconstruction of photometric redshift probability density functions (PDFs) for individual galaxies and galaxy samples. As a use ca se we apply our method to CFHTLS galaxies. The ordinal classification algorithm treats distinct redshift bins as ordered values, which improves the quality of photometric redshift PDFs, compared with non-ordinal classification architectures. We also propose a new single value point estimate of the galaxy redshift, that can be used to estimate the full redshift PDF of a galaxy sample. This method is competitive in terms of accuracy with contemporary algorithms, which stack the full redshift PDFs of all galaxies in the sample, but requires orders of magnitudes less storage space. The methods described in this paper greatly improve the log-likelihood of individual object redshift PDFs, when compared with a popular Neural Network code (ANNz). In our use case, this improvement reaches 50% for high redshift objects ($z geq 0.75$). We show that using these more accurate photometric redshift PDFs will lead to a reduction in the systematic biases by up to a factor of four, when compared with less accurate PDFs obtained from commonly used methods. The cosmological analyses we examine and find improvement upon are the following: gravitational lensing cluster mass estimates, modelling of angular correlation functions, and modelling of cosmic shear correlation functions.
In this work, we studied the impact of galaxy morphology on photometric redshift (photo-$z$) probability density functions (PDFs). By including galaxy morphological parameters like the radius, axis-ratio, surface brightness and the Sersic index in ad dition to the $ugriz$ broadbands as input parameters, we used the machine learning photo-$z$ algorithm ANNz2 to train and test on galaxies from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Stripe-82 (CS82) Survey. Metrics like the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS), probability integral transform (PIT), Bayesian odds parameter, and even the width and height of the PDFs were evaluated, and the results were compared when different number of input parameters were used during the training process. We find improvements in the CRPS and width of the PDFs when galaxy morphology has been added to the training, and the improvement is larger especially when the number of broadband magnitudes are lacking.
We present two-point correlation function statistics of the mass and the halos in the chameleon $f(R)$ modified gravity scenario using a series of large volume N-body simulations. Three distinct variations of $f(R)$ are considered (F4, F5 and F6) and compared to a fiducial $Lambda$CDM model in the redshift range $z in [0,1]$. We find that the matter clustering is indistinguishable for all models except for F4, which shows a significantly steeper slope. The ratio of the redshift- to real-space correlation function at scales $> 20 h^{-1} mathrm{Mpc}$ agrees with the linear General Relativity (GR) Kaiser formula for the viable $f(R)$ models considered. We consider three halo populations characterized by spatial abundances comparable to that of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) and galaxy clusters. The redshift-space halo correlation functions of F4 and F5 deviate significantly from $Lambda$CDM at intermediate and high redshift, as the $f(R)$ halo bias is smaller or equal to that of the $Lambda$CDM case. Finally we introduce a new model independent clustering statistic to distinguish $f(R)$ from GR: the relative halo clustering ratio -- $mathcal{R}$. The sampling required to adequately reduce the scatter in $mathcal{R}$ will be available with the advent of the next generation galaxy redshift surveys. This will foster a prospective avenue to obtain largely model-independent cosmological constraints on this class of modified gravity models.
141 - Yi Zheng 2018
The mapping of galaxy clustering from real space to redshift space introduces the anisotropic property to the measured galaxy density power spectrum in redshift space, known as the redshift space distortion (RSD) effect. The mapping formula is intrin sically non-linear, which is complicated by the higher order polynomials due to indefinite orders of cross correlations between density and velocity fields, and the Finger--of--God (FoG) effect due to the randomness of the galaxy peculiar velocity field. In previous works, we have verified the robustness of advanced TNS mapping formula in our hybrid RSD model in dark matter case, where the halo bias models are not taken into account for the halo mapping formula in redshift space. Using 100 realizations of halo catalogs in N-body simulations, we find that our halo RSD model with the known halo bias model and the effective FoG function accurately predicts the halo power spectrum measurements, within 1$sim$2% accuracy up to $ksim 0.2h$/Mpc, depending on different halo masses and redshifts.
The mapping of dark matter clustering from real space to redshift space introduces the anisotropic property to the measured density power spectrum in redshift space, known as the redshift space distortion effect. The mapping formula is intrinsically non-linear, which is complicated by the higher order polynomials due to indefinite cross correlations between the density and velocity fields, and the Finger-of-God effect due to the randomness of the peculiar velocity field. Whilst the full higher order polynomials remain unknown, the other systematics can be controlled consistently within the same order truncation in the expansion of the mapping formula, as shown in this paper. The systematic due to the unknown non-linear density and velocity fields is removed by separately measuring all terms in the expansion directly using simulations. The uncertainty caused by the velocity randomness is controlled by splitting the FoG term into two pieces, 1) the one-point FoG term being independent of the separation vector between two different points, and 2) the correlated FoG term appearing as an indefinite polynomials which is expanded in the same order as all other perturbative polynomials. Using 100 realizations of simulations, we find that the Gaussian FoG function with only one scale-independent free parameter works quite well, and that our new mapping formulation accurately reproduces the observed 2-dimensional density power spectrum in redshift space at the smallest scales by far, up to $ksim 0.2h$Mpc, considering the resolution of future experiments.
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