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From Moments to Functions in Quantum Chromodynamics

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 نشر من قبل Johannes Bluemlein
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Single-scale quantities, like the QCD anomalous dimensions and Wilson coefficients, obey difference equations. Therefore their analytic form can be determined from a finite number of moments. We demonstrate this in an explicit calculation by establishing and solving large scale recursions by means of computer algebra for the anomalous dimensions and Wilson coefficients in unpolarized deeply inelastic scattering from their Mellin moments to 3-loop order.

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اقرأ أيضاً

This expository paper reviews some of the recent uses of computational algebraic geometry in classical and quantum optimization. The paper assumes an elementary background in algebraic geometry and adiabatic quantum computing (AQC), and concentrates on presenting concrete examples (with Python codes tested on a quantum computer) of applying algebraic geometry constructs: solving binary optimization, factoring, and compiling. Reversing the direction, we also briefly describe a novel use of quantum computers to compute Groebner bases for toric ideals. We also show how Groebner bases play a role in studying AQC at a fundamental level within a Morse theory framework. We close by placing our work in perspective, by situating this leg of the journey, as part of a marvelous intellectual expedition that began with our ancients over 4000 years ago.
179 - S.R. Beane , E. Chang , S. Cohen 2014
We present the results of lattice QCD calculations of the magnetic moments of the lightest nuclei, the deuteron, the triton and ${}^3$He, along with those of the neutron and proton. These calculations, performed at quark masses corresponding to $m_pi sim 800$ MeV, reveal that the structure of these nuclei at unphysically heavy quark masses closely resembles that at the physical quark masses. In particular, we find that the magnetic moment of ${}^3$He differs only slightly from that of a free neutron, as is the case in nature, indicating that the shell-model configuration of two spin-paired protons and a valence neutron captures its dominant structure. Similarly a shell-model-like moment is found for the triton, $mu_{{}^3{rm H}} sim mu_p$. The deuteron magnetic moment is found to be equal to the nucleon isoscalar moment within the uncertainties of the calculations.
189 - Vladimir V. Bytev 2009
The differential-reduction algorithm, which allows one to express generalized hypergeometric functions with parameters of arbitrary values in terms of such functions with parameters whose values differ from the original ones by integers, is discussed in the context of evaluating Feynman diagrams. Where this is possible, we compare our results with those obtained using standard techniques. It is shown that the criterion of reducibility of multiloop Feynman integrals can be reformulated in terms of the criterion of reducibility of hypergeometric functions. The relation between the numbers of master integrals obtained by differential reduction and integration by parts is discussed.
In this study, we present a determination of the unpolarized gluon Ioffe-time distribution in the nucleon from a first principles lattice quantum chromodynamics calculation. We carry out the lattice calculation on a $32^3times 64$ ensemble with a pio n mass of $358$ MeV and lattice spacing of $0.094$ fm. We construct the nucleon interpolating fields using the distillation technique, flow the gauge fields using the gradient flow, and solve the summed generalized eigenvalue problem to determine the glounic matrix elements. Combining these techniques allows us to provide a statistically well-controlled Ioffe-time distribution and unpolarized gluon PDF. We obtain the flow time independent reduced Ioffe-time pseudo-distribution, and calculate the light-cone Ioffe-time distribution and unpolarized gluon distribution function in the $overline{rm MS}$ scheme at $mu = 2$ GeV, neglecting the mixing of the gluon operator with the quark singlet sector. Finally, we compare our results to phenomenological determinations.
81 - G. Nardulli 2002
In the high density, low temperature limit, Quantum Chromodynamics exhibits a transition to phases characterized by color superconductivity and energy gaps in the fermion spectra. We review some fundamental results obtained in this area and in partic ular we describe the low energy effective lagrangian describing the motion of the quasi-particles in the high density medium (High Density Effective Theory).
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