Space-time from Symmetry: The Moyal Plane from the Poincare-Hopf Algebra

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show how to get a non-commutative product for functions on space-time starting from the deformation of the coproduct of the Poincare group using the Drinfeld twist. Thus it is easy to see that the commutative algebra of functions on space-time (R^4) can be identified as the set of functions on the Poincare group invariant under the right action of the Lorentz group provided we use the standard coproduct for the Poincare group. We obtain our results for the noncommutative Moyal plane by generalizing this result to the case of the twisted coproduct. This extension is not trivial and involves cohomological features. As is known, spacetime algebra fixes the coproduct on the dffeomorphism group of the manifold. We now see that the influence is reciprocal: they are strongly tied.

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