FR II Quasars: Infrared Properties, Star Formation Rates, and Extended Ionized Gas

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present Spitzer IRS spectra and MIPS photometry of 12 radio-loud QSOs with FR II morphologies at z ~ 0.3. Six of the sources are surrounded by luminous extended emission-line regions (EELRs), while the other six do not have such extended nebulae. The two subsamples are indistinguishable in their mid-infrared spectra and overall infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs). For both subsamples, the mid-infrared aromatic features are undetected in either individual sources or their stacked spectra, and the SEDs are consistent with pure quasar emission without significant star formation. The upper limits to the star formation rate are sufficiently low that starburst-driven superwinds can be ruled out as a mechanism for producing the EELRs, which are instead likely the result of the ejection of most of the gas from the system by blast waves accompanying the launching of the radio jets. The FR II quasars deviate systematically from the correlation between host galaxy star formation rate and black hole accretion rate apparently followed by radio-quiet QSOs, implying little or no bulge growth coeval with the current intensive black hole growth. We also present a new Spitzer estimate of the star formation rate for the starburst in the host galaxy of the compact steep-spectrum radio quasar 3C 48.

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