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MOND and the dark baryons

385   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Olivier Tiret
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider for the first time the implications on the modified gravity MOND model of galaxies, of the presence of dark baryons, under the form of cold molecular gas in galaxy discs. We show that MOND models of rotation curves are still valid and universal, but the critical acceleration a0 separating the Newtonian and MONDian regimes has a lower value. We quantify this modification, as a function of the scale factor c between the total gas of the galaxy and the measured atomic gas. The main analysis concerns 43 resolved rotation curves and allows us to find the best pair (a0 = 0.96 10e-10 m.s-2, c = 3), which is also compatible to the one obtained from a second method by minimizing the scatter in the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation.

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The origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) and the nature of dark matter are two of the most challenging problems in cosmology. We propose a scenario in which the gravitational collapse of large inhomogeneities at the quark-hadron epoch generates both the baryon asymmetry and dark matter in the form of primordial black holes (PBHs). This is due to the sudden drop in radiation pressure during the transition from a quark-gluon plasma to non-relativistic hadrons. The collapse to a PBH is induced by fluctuations of a light spectator scalar field in rare regions and is accompanied by the violent expulsion of surrounding material, which might be regarded as a sort of primordial supernova . The acceleration of protons to relativistic speeds provides the ingredients for efficient baryogenesis around the collapsing regions and its subsequent propagation to the rest of the Universe. This scenario naturally explains why the observed BAU is of order the PBH collapse fraction and why the baryons and dark matter have comparable densities. The predicted PBH mass distribution ranges from sub-solar to several hundred solar masses. This is compatible with current observational constraints and could explain the rate, mass and low spin of the black hole mergers detected by LIGO-Virgo. Future observations will soon be able to test this scenario.
The Lambda-CDM cosmological model is succesful at reproducing various independent sets of observations concerning the large-scale Universe. This model is however currently, and actually in principle, unable to predict the gravitational field of a gal axy from it observed baryons alone. Indeed the gravitational field should depend on the relative contribution of the particle dark matter distribution to the baryonic one, itself depending on the individual assembly history and environment of the galaxy, including a lot of complex feedback mechanisms. However, for the last thirty years, Milgroms formula, at the heart of the MOND paradigm, has been consistently succesful at predicting rotation curves from baryons alone, and has been resilient to all sorts of observational tests on galaxy scales. We show that the few individual galaxy rotation curves that have been claimed to be highly problematic for the predictions of Milgroms formula, such as Holmberg II or NGC 3109, are actually false alarms. We argue that the fact that it is actually possible to predict the gravitational field of galaxies from baryons alone presents a challenge to the current Lambda-CDM model, and may indicate a breakdown of our understanding of gravitation and dynamics, and/or that the actual lagrangian of the dark sector is very different and richer than currently assumed. On the other hand, it is obvious that any alternative must also, in fine, reproduce the successes of the Lambda-CDM model on large scales, where this model is so well-tested that it presents by itself a challenge to any such alternative.
We use numerical simulations to investigate how the statistical properties of dark matter (DM) haloes are affected by the baryonic processes associated with galaxy formation. We focus on how these processes influence the spin and shape of a large num ber of DM haloes covering a wide range of mass scales, from galaxies to clusters at redshifts zero and one, extending to dwarf galaxies at redshift two. The haloes are extracted from the OverWhelmingly Large Simulations, a suite of state-of-the-art high-resolution cosmological simulations run with a range of feedback prescriptions. We find that the median spin parameter in DM-only simulations is independent of mass, redshift and cosmology. At z=0 baryons increase the spin of the DM in the central region (<=0.25 r_200) by up to 30 per cent when feedback is weak or absent. This increase can be attributed to the transfer of angular momentum from baryons to the DM, but is no longer present at z=2. We also present fits to the mass dependence of the DM halo shape at both low and high redshift. At z=0 the sphericity (triaxiality) is negatively (positively) correlated with halo mass and both results are independent of cosmology. Interestingly, these mass-dependent trends are markedly weaker at z=2. While the cooling of baryons acts to make the overall DM halo more spherical, stronger feedback prescriptions tend to reduce the impact of baryons by reducing the central halo mass concentration. More generally, we demonstrate a strongly positive (negative) correlation between halo sphericity (triaxiality) and galaxy formation efficiency, with the latter measured using the central halo baryon fraction. In conclusion, our results suggest that the effects of baryons on the DM halo spin and shape are minor when the effects of cooling are mitigated, as required by realistic models of galaxy formation, although they remain significant for the inner halo.
We present results based on Chandra observations of a large sample of 129 hot galaxy clusters. We measure the concentration parameter c_200, the dark mass M_200 and the baryonic mass content in all the objects of our sample, providing the largest dat aset of mass parameters for galaxy clusters in the redshift range z = 0.01 - 1.4. We confirm a that a tight correlation between c_200 and M_200, c propto M^a_vir /(1+z)^b with a = -0.56 +/- 0.15 and b =0.80 +/- 0.25 (68 per cent confidence limits), is present, in good agreement with the predictions from numerical simulations and previous observations. Fitting the mass profile with a generalized NFW model, we got the inner slope alpha, with alpha = 0.94 +/- 0.13. Finally, we show that the inner slope of the density profile, alpha correlates with the baryonic mass content, M_b : namely alpha is decreasing with increasing baryonic mass content.
55 - Rennan Barkana 2018
The cosmic radio-frequency spectrum is expected to show a strong absorption signal corresponding to the 21-centimetre-wavelength transition of atomic hydrogen around redshift 20, which arises from Lyman-alpha radiation from some of the earliest stars . By observing this 21-centimetre signal - either its sky-averaged spectrum or maps of its fluctuations, obtained using radio interferometers - we can obtain information about cosmic dawn, the era when the first astrophysical sources of light were formed. The recent detection of the global 21-centimetre spectrum reveals a stronger absorption than the maximum predicted by existing models, at a confidence level of 3.8 standard deviations. Here we report that this absorption can be explained by the combination of radiation from the first stars and excess cooling of the cosmic gas induced by its interaction with dark matter. Our analysis indicates that the spatial fluctuations of the 21-centimetre signal at cosmic dawn could be an order of magnitude larger than previously expected and that the dark-matter particle is no heavier than several proton masses, well below the commonly predicted mass of weakly interacting massive particles. Our analysis also confirms that dark matter is highly non-relativistic and at least moderately cold, and primordial velocities predicted by models of warm dark matter are potentially detectable. These results indicate that 21-centimetre cosmology can be used as a dark-matter probe.
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