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مضاعف الإجزاء الأكثر تكرارا ومنتج الحلقة

Iterated integral and the loop product

354   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Koichi Fujii
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Koichi Fujii

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In this article we discuss a relation between the string topology and differential forms based on the theory of Chens iterated integrals and the cyclic bar complex.

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اقرأ أيضاً

155 - M.A. Batanin 2003
It is well known since Stasheffs work that 1-fold loop spaces can be described in terms of the existence of higher homotopies for associativity (coherence conditions) or equivalently as algebras of contractible non-symmetric operads. The combinatoric s of these higher homotopies is well understood and is extremely useful. For $n ge 2$ the theory of symmetric operads encapsulated the corresponding higher homotopies, yet hid the combinatorics and it has remain a mystery for almost 40 years. However, the recent developments in many fields ranging from algebraic topology and algebraic geometry to mathematical physics and category theory show that this combinatorics in higher dimensions will be even more important than the one dimensional case. In this paper we are going to show that there exists a conceptual way to make these combinatorics explicit using the so called higher nonsymmetric $n$-operads.
We will construct differential forms on the embedding spaces Emb(R^j,R^n) for n-j>=2 using configuration space integral associated with 1-loop graphs, and show that some linear combinations of these forms are closed in some dimensions. There are othe r dimensions in which we can show the closedness if we replace Emb(R^j,R^n) by fEmb(R^j,R^n), the homotopy fiber of the inclusion Emb(R^j,R^n) -> Imm(R^j,R^n). We also show that the closed forms obtained give rise to nontrivial cohomology classes, evaluating them on some cycles of Emb(R^j,R^n) and fEmb(R^j,R^n). In particular we obtain nontrivial cohomology classes (for example, in H^3(Emb(R^2,R^5))) of higher degrees than those of the first nonvanishing homotopy groups.
Let G=SU(2) and let Omega G denote the space of continuous based loops in G, equipped with the pointwise conjugation action of G. It is a classical fact in topology that the ordinary cohomology H^*(Omega G) is a divided polynomial algebra Gamma[x]. T he algebra Gamma[x] can be described as an inverse limit as k goes to infinity of the symmetric subalgebra in the exterior algebra Lambda(x_1, ...,x_k) in the variables x_1, ..., x_k. We compute the R(G)-algebra structure of the G-equivariant K-theory of Omega G in a way which naturally generalizes the classical computation of the ordinary cohomology ring of Omega G as a divided polynomial algebra Gamma[x]. Specifically, we prove that K^*_G(Omega G) is an inverse limit of the symmetric (S_{2r}-invariant) subalgebra of K^*_G((P^1)^{2r}), where the symmetric group S_{2r} acts in the natural way on the factors of the 2r-fold product (P^1)^{2r} and G acts diagonally via the standard action on each complex projective line P^1.
235 - Palle Jorgensen 2008
We study the moments of equilibrium measures for iterated function systems (IFSs) and draw connections to operator theory. Our main object of study is the infinite matrix which encodes all the moment data of a Borel measure on R^d or C. To encode the salient features of a given IFS into precise moment data, we establish an interdependence between IFS equilibrium measures, the encoding of the sequence of moments of these measures into operators, and a new correspondence between the IFS moments and this family of operators in Hilbert space. For a given IFS, our aim is to establish a functorial correspondence in such a way that the geometric transformations of the IFS turn into transformations of moment matrices, or rather transformations of the operators that are associated with them. We first examine the classical existence problem for moments, culminating in a new proof of the existence of a Borel measure on R or C with a specified list of moments. Next, we consider moment problems associated with affine and non-affine IFSs. Our main goal is to determine conditions under which an intertwining relation is satisfied by the moment matrix of an equilibrium measure of an IFS. Finally, using the famous Hilbert matrix as our prototypical example, we study boundedness and spectral properties of moment matrices viewed as Kato-Friedrichs operators on weighted l^2 spaces.
103 - Beno^it Kloeckner 2019
In this article we show how ideas, methods and results from optimal transportation can be used to study various aspects of the stationary measuresof Iterated Function Systems equipped with a probability distribution. We recover a classical existence and uniqueness result under a contraction-on-average assumption, prove generalized moment bounds from which tail estimates can be deduced, consider the convergence of the empirical measure of an associated Markov chain, and prove in many cases the Lipschitz continuity of the stationary measure when the system is perturbed, with as a consequence a linear response formula at almost every parameter of the perturbation.
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