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High-T_c superconductivity induced by doping rare earth elements into CaFeAsF

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 نشر من قبل Gang Mu
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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We have successfully synthesized the fluoride-arsenide compounds Ca$_{1-x}$RE$_x$FeAsF (RE=Nd, Pr; x=0, 0.6). The x-ray powder diffraction confirmed that the main phases of our samples are Ca$_{1-x}$RE$_x$FeAsF with the ZrCuSiAs structure. By measuring resistivity, superconductivity was observed at 57.4 K in Nd-doped and 52.8 K in Pr-doped samples with x=0.6. Bulk superconductivity was also proved by the DC magnetization measurements in both samples. Hall effect measurements revealed hole-like charge carriers in the parent compound CaFeAsF with a clear resistivity anomaly below 118 K, while the Hall coefficient $R_H$ in the normal state is negative for the superconducting samples Ca$_{0.4}$Nd$_{0.6}$FeAsF and Ca$_{0.4}$Pr$_{0.6}$FeAsF. This indicates that the rare earth element doping introduces electrons into CaFeAsF which induces the high temperature superconductivity.

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219 - K Kadowaki , T Goya , T Mochiji 2008
Fluoride-doped iron-based oxypnictides containing rare-earth gadolinium (GdFeAsO0.8F0.2) and co-doping with yttrium (Gd0.8Y0.2FeAsO0.8F0.2) have been prepared via conventional solid state reaction at ambient pressure. The non-yttrium substituted oxyp nictide show superconducting transition as high as 43.9 K from temperature dependent resistance measurements with the Meissner effect observed at a lower temperature of 40.8 K from temperature dependent magnetization measurements. By replacing a small amount of gadolinium with yttrium Tc was observed to be lowered by 10 K which might be caused by a change in the electronic or magnetic structures since the crystal structure was not altered.
High-pressure superconductivity in a rare-earth doped Ca0.86Pr0.14Fe2As2 single crystalline sample has been studied up to 12 GPa and temperatures down to 11 K using designer diamond anvil cell under a quasi-hydrostatic pressure medium. The electrical resistance measurements were complemented by high pressure and low temperature x-ray diffraction studies at a synchrotron source. The electrical resistance measurements show an intriguing observation of superconductivity under pressure, with Tc as high as ~51 K at 1.9 GPa, presenting the highest Tc reported in the intermetallic class of 1-2-2 iron-based superconductors. The resistive transition observed suggests a possible existence of two superconducting phases at low pressures of 0.5 GPa: one phase starting at Tc1 ~48 K, and the other starting at Tc2~16 K. The two superconducting transitions show distinct variations with increasing pressure. High pressure low temperature structural studies indicate that the superconducting phase is a collapsed tetragonal ThCr2Si2-type (122) crystal structure. Our high pressure studies indicate that high Tc state attributed to non-bulk superconductivity in rare-earth doped 1-2-2 iron-based superconductors is stable under compression over a broad pressure range.
Chemical doping has recently become a very important strategy to induce superconductivity especially in complex compounds. Distinguished examples include Ba-doped La$_2$CuO$_4$ (the first high temperature superconductor), K-doped BaBiO$_3$, K-doped C $_{60}$ and Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}cdot y$H$_{2}$O. The most recent example is F-doped LaFeAsO, which leads to a new class of high temperature superconductors. One notes that all the above dopants are non-magnetic, because magnetic atoms generally break superconducting Cooper pairs. In addition, the doping site was out of the (super)conducting structural unit (layer or framework). Here we report that superconductivity was realized by doping magnetic element cobalt into the (super)conducting-active Fe$_2$As$_2$ layers in LaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$AsO. At surprisingly small Co-doping level of $x$=0.025, the antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave transition in the parent compound is completely suppressed, and superconductivity with $T_csim $ 10 K emerges. With increasing Co content, $T_c$ shows a maximum of 13 K at $xsim 0.075$, and then drops to below 2 K at $x$=0.15. This result suggests essential differences between previous cuprate superconductor and the present iron-based arsenide one.
226 - L. J. Li , Q. B. Wang , Y. K. Luo 2008
A series of 122 phase BaFe$_{2-x}$Ni$_x$As$_2$ ($x$ = 0, 0.055, 0.096, 0.18, 0.23) single crystals were grown by self flux method and a dome-like Ni doping dependence of superconducting transition temperature is discovered. The transition temperature $T_c^{on}$ reaches a maximum of 20.5 K at $x$ = 0.096, and it drops to below 4 K as $x$ $geq$ 0.23. The negative thermopower in the normal state indicates that electron-like charge carrier indeed dominates in this system. This Ni-doped system provides another example of superconductivity induced by electron doping in the 122 phase.
542 - S. R. Saha , N. P. Butch , T. Drye 2011
Aliovalent rare earth substitution into the alkaline earth site of CaFe2As2 single-crystals is used to fine-tune structural, magnetic and electronic properties of this iron-based superconducting system. Neutron and single crystal x-ray scattering exp eriments indicate that an isostructural collapse of the tetragonal unit cell can be controllably induced at ambient pressures by choice of substituent ion size. This instability is driven by the interlayer As-As anion separation, resulting in an unprecedented thermal expansion coefficient of $180times 10^{-6}$ K$^{-1}$. Electrical transport and magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal abrupt changes in the physical properties through the collapse as a function of temperature, including a reconstruction of the electronic structure. Superconductivity with onset transition temperatures as high as 47 K is stabilized by the suppression of antiferromagnetic order via chemical pressure, electron doping or a combination of both. Extensive investigations are performed to understand the observations of partial volume-fraction diamagnetic screening, ruling out extrinsic sources such as strain mechanisms, surface states or foreign phases as the cause of this superconducting phase that appears to be stable in both collapsed and uncollapsed structures.
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