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K0 meson physics in the gravitation field: a constraint on the equivalence principle

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 نشر من قبل Savely G. Karshenboim
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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K0-K0bar oscillations are extremely sensitive to the K0 and K0bar energy at rest. Even assuming m_K0=m_K0bar, the energy is not granted to be the same if gravitational effects on K0 and K0bar slightly differ. We consider various gravitation fields present and, in particular, galactic fields, which provide a negligible acceleration, but relatively large gravitational potential energy. A constraint from a possible effect of this potential energy on the kaon oscillations isfound to be |(m_g/m_i)_K0-(m_g/m_i)_K0bar| < 8 x 10^-13 atCL=90%. The derived constraint is competitive with other tests of universality of the free fall. Other applications are also discussed.

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We consider the role of the internal kinetic energy of bound systems of matter in tests of the Einstein equivalence principle. Using the gravitational sector of the standard model extension, we show that stringent limits on equivalence principle viol ations in antimatter can be indirectly obtained from tests using bound systems of normal matter. We estimate the bound kinetic energy of nucleons in a range of light atomic species using Greens function Monte Carlo calculations, and for heavier species using a Woods-Saxon model. We survey the sensitivities of existing and planned experimental tests of the equivalence principle, and report new constraints at the level of between a few parts in $10^{6}$ and parts in $10^{8}$ on violations of the equivalence principle for matter and antimatter.
We briefly summarize motivations for testing the weak equivalence principle and then review recent torsion-balance results that compare the differential accelerations of beryllium-aluminum and beryllium-titanium test body pairs with precisions at the part in $10^{13}$ level. We discuss some implications of these results for the gravitational properties of antimatter and dark matter, and speculate about the prospects for further improvements in experimental sensitivity.
General Relativity is today the best theory of gravity addressing a wide range of phenomena. Our understanding of physical laws, from cosmology to local scales, cannot be properly formulated without taking into account it. It is based on one of the m ost fundamental principles of Nature, the Equivalence Principle, which represents the core of the Einstein theory of gravity. The confirmation of its validity at different scales and in different contexts represents one of the main challenges of modern physics both from the theoretical and the experimental points of view. A major issue related to this principle is the fact that we actually do not know if it is valid at quantum level. Furthermore, recent progress on relativistic theories of gravity have to take into account new issues like Dark Matter and Dark Energy, as well as the validity of fundamental principles like local Lorentz and position invariance. Experiments allow to set stringent constraints on well established symmetry laws, on the physics beyond the Standard Model of particles and interactions, and on General Relativity and its possible extensions. In this review, we discuss precision tests of gravity in General Relativity and alternative theories and their relation with the Equivalence Principle. In the first part, we discuss the Einstein Equivalence Principle according to its weak and strong formulation. We recall some basic topics of General Relativity and the necessity of its extension. Some models of modified gravity are presented in some details. The second part of the paper is devoted to the experimental tests of the Equivalence Principle in its weak formulation. We present the results and methods used in high-precision experiments, and discuss the potential and prospects for future experimental tests.
We investigate leading order deviations from general relativity that violate the Einstein equivalence principle in the gravitational standard model extension. We show that redshift experiments based on matter waves and clock comparisons are equivalen t to one another. Consideration of torsion balance tests, along with matter wave, microwave, optical, and Mossbauer clock tests, yields comprehensive limits on spin-independent Einstein equivalence principle-violating standard model extension terms at the $10^{-6}$ level.
We review the hypothesis of the existence of gravitational magnetic monopoles (H-pole for short) defined in analogy with the Diracs hypothesis of magnetic monopoles in electrodynamics. These hypothetical dual particles violate the equivalence princip le and are accelerated by a gravitational field. We propose an expression for the gravitational force exerted upon an H-pole. According to GR ordinary matter (which we call E-poles) follows geodesics in a background metric. The dual H-poles follows geodesics in an effective metric.
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