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Discrete Coordinate Scattering Approach to Nano-optical Resonance

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 نشر من قبل H. Dong
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this letter, we investigate the coherent tunneling process of photons between a defected circular resonator and a waveguide based on the recently developed discrete coordinate scattering methods (L. Zhou et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 100501 (2008)). We show the detailed microscopic mechanism of the tunneling and present a simple model for defect coupling in the resonator. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain(FDTD) numerical results is explored to illustrate the analysis results.

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We present a theoretical study of the optical angular momentum transfer from a circularly polarized plane wave to thin metal nanoparticles of different rotational symmetries. While absorption has been regarded as the predominant mechanism of torque g eneration on the nanoscale, we demonstrate numerically how the contribution from scattering can be enhanced by using multipolar plasmon resonance. The multipolar modes in non-circular particles can convert the angular momentum carried by the scattered field, thereby producing scattering-dominant optical torque, while a circularly symmetric particle cannot. Our results show that the optical torque induced by resonant scattering can contribute to 80% of the total optical torque in gold particles. This scattering-dominant torque generation is extremely mode-specific, and deserves to be distinguished from the absorption-dominant mechanism. Our findings might have applications in optical manipulation on the nanoscale as well as new designs in plasmonics and metamaterials.
Second-order optical nonlinearities can be greatly enhanced by orders of magnitude in resonantly excited nanostructures, theoretically predicted and experimentally investigated in a variety of semiconductor systems. These resonant nonlinearities cont inually attract attention, particularly in newly discovered materials, but tend not to be as efficient as currently predicted. This limits their exploitation in frequency conversion. Here, we present a clear-cut theoretical and experimental demonstration that the second-order nonlinear susceptibility can vary by orders of magnitude as a result of giant cancellation effects in systems with many confined quantum states. Using terahertz quantum cascade lasers as a model source to investigate interband and intersubband resonant nonlinearities, we show that these giant cancellations are a result of interfering second-order nonlinear contributions of light and heavy hole states. As well as of importance to understand and engineer the resonant optical properties of materials, this work can be employed as a new, extremely sensitive tool to elucidate the bandstructure properties of complex quantum well systems.
High-speed tracking of single particles is a gateway to understanding physical, chemical, and biological processes at the nanoscale. It is also a major experimental challenge, particularly for small, nanometer-scale particles. Although methods such a s confocal or fluorescence microscopy offer both high spatial resolution and high signal-to-background ratios, the fluorescence emission lifetime limits the measurement speed, while photobleaching and thermal diffusion limit the duration of measurements. Here we present a tracking method based on elastic light scattering that enables long-duration measurements of nanoparticle dynamics at rates of thousands of frames per second. We contain the particles within a single-mode silica fiber containing a sub-wavelength, nano-fluidic channel and illuminate them using the fibers strongly confined optical mode. The diffusing particles in this cylinderical geometry are continuously illuminated inside the collection focal plane. We show that the method can track unlabeled dielectric particles as small as 20 nm as well as individual cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) virions - 4.6 megadaltons in size - at rates of over 2 kHz for durations of tens of seconds. Our setup is easily incorporated into common optical microscopes and extends their detection range to nanometer-scale particles and macromolecules. The ease-of-use and performance of this technique support its potential for widespread applications in medical diagnostics and micro total analysis systems.
137 - N. I. Landy , N. Kundtz , 2010
We introduce an approach to the design of three-dimensional transformation optical (TO) media based on a generalized quasi-conformal mapping approach. The generalized quasi-conformal TO (QCTO) approach enables the design of media that can, in princip le, be broadband and low-loss, while controlling the propagation of waves with arbitrary angles of incidence and polarization. We illustrate the method in the design of a three-dimensional carpet ground plane cloak and of a flattened Luneburg lens. Ray-trace studies provide a confirmation of the performance of the QCTO media, while also revealing the limited performance of index-on
The authors recent Nature Photonics article titled Compact Nano-Mechanical Plasmonic Phase Modulators [1] is reviewed which reports a new phase modulation principle with experimental demonstration of a 23 {mu}m long non-resonant modulator having 1.5 {pi} rad range with 1.7 dB excess loss at 780 nm. Analysis showed that by decreasing all dimensions, a low loss, ultra-compact {pi} rad phase modulator is possible. Application of this type of nano-mechanical modulator in a miniature 2 x 2 switch is suggested and an optical design numerically validated. The footprint of the switch is 0.5 {mu}m x 2.5 {mu}m.
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