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Photoproduction of eta-mesons off nuclei for Eg < 2.2 GeV

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 نشر من قبل Bernd Krusche
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Photoproduction of $eta$ mesons off $^{12}$C, $^{40}$Ca, $^{93}$Nb, and $^{nat}$Pb nuclei has been measured with a tagged photon beam with energies between 0.6 and 2.2 GeV. The experiment was performed at the Bonn ELSA accelerator with the combined setup of the Crystal Barrel and TAPS calorimeters. It aimed at the in-medium properties of the S$_{11}$(1535) nucleon resonance and the study of the absorption properties of nuclear matter for $eta$ mesons. Careful consideration was given to contributions from $etapi$ final states and secondary production mechanisms of $eta$-mesons e.g. from inelastic $pi N$ reactions of intermediate pions. The analysis of the mass number scaling shows that the nuclear absorption cross section $sigma_{Neta}$ for $eta$ mesons is constant over a wide range of the $eta$ momentum. The comparison of the excitation functions to data off the deuteron and to calculations in the framework of a BUU-model show no unexplained in-medium modifications of the S$_{11}$(1535).

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Coherent photoproduction of $eta$-mesons off $^3$He, i.e. the reaction $gamma ^3{He}rightarrow eta ^3{He}$, has been investigated in the near-threshold region. The experiment was performed at the Glasgow tagged photon facility of the Mainz MAMI accel erator with the combined Crystal Ball - TAPS detector. Angular distributions and the total cross section were measured using the $etarightarrow gammagamma$ and $etarightarrow 3pi^0rightarrow 6gamma$ decay channels. The observed extremely sharp rise of the cross section at threshold and the behavior of the angular distributions are evidence for a strong $eta {^3{He}}$ final state interaction, pointing to the existence of a resonant state. The search for further evidence of this state in the excitation function of $pi^0$-proton back-to-back emission in the $gamma ^3{He}rightarrow pi^0 pX$ reaction revealed a very complicated structure of the background and could not support previous conclusions.
Quasi-free photoproduction of $eta$-mesons has been measured off nucleons bound in $^3$He nuclei for incident photon energies from the threshold region up to 1.4 GeV. The experiment was performed at the tagged photon facility of the Mainz MAMI accele rator with an almost $4pi$ covering electromagnetic calorimeter, combining the TAPS and Crystal Ball detectors. The $eta$-mesons were detected in coincidence with the recoil nucleons. This allowed a comparison of the production cross section off quasi-free protons and quasi-free neutrons and a full kinematic reconstruction of the final state, eliminating effects from nuclear Fermi motion. In the $S_{11}$(1535) resonance peak, the data agree with the neutron/proton cross section ratio extracted from measurements with deuteron targets. More importantly, the prominent structure observed in photoproduction off quasi-free neutrons bound in the deuteron is also clearly observed. Its parameters (width, strength) are consistent with the expectations from the deuteron results. On an absolute scale the cross sections for both quasi-free protons and neutrons are suppressed with respect to the deuteron target pointing to significant nuclear final state interaction effects.
The $eta$-meson photoproduction cross sections have been measured on the C and Cu targets for the photon energies between 600 and 1100 MeV to investigate the behavior of the $S_{11}$(1535) resonance in a nucleus. The excitation functions of the cross section as well as the angular and momentum distributions of $eta$-mesons are in quantitative agreement with the Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) model calculations in which the $eta$-meson emission processes other than the $S_{11}$(1535) resonance are also incorporated as proposed in the $eta$-MAID model. It is shown that the excitation of the $D_{15}$(1675) resonance might play an important role for $E_{gamma}>900$ MeV.
297 - Mariana Nanova 2011
The photoproduction of $eta^{}$-mesons from different nuclei has been measured using the Crystal Barrel(CB)/TAPS detector system at the ELSA accelerator facility in Bonn. Recent results on the in-medium properties of the $eta^{}$-meson, derived from the transparency ratio measurements, are presented. The absorption of the $eta^{}$-meson in nuclear matter is compared to the properties of the other mesons ($eta$ and $omega$).
206 - I. Jaegle , T. Mertens , A. Fix 2010
Quasi-free photoproduction of $eta $ mesons off nucleons bound in the deuteron has been measured with the combined Crystal Barrel - TAPS detector. The experiment was done at a tagged photon beam of the ELSA electron accelerator in Bonn for incident p hoton energies from the production threshold up to 2.5 GeV. The $eta $-mesons have been detected in coincidence with recoil protons and recoil neutrons. The quasi-free proton data are in good agreement with the results for free protons, indicating that nuclear effects have no significant impact. The coincidence with recoil neutrons provides the first data for the $gamma n rightarrow neta $ reaction. In addition, also first estimates for coherent $eta $-production off the deuteron have been obtained. In agreement with model predictions, the total cross section for this channel is found to be very small, at most at the level of a few nb. The data are compared to model calculations taking into account contributions from nucleon resonances and $t$-channel exchanges.
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