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Complete classification of compact four-manifolds with positive isotropic curvature

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 نشر من قبل Bing-Long Chen
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we completely classify all compact 4-manifolds with positive isotropic curvature. We show that they are diffeomorphic to $mathbb{S}^4,$ or $mathbb{R}mathbb{P}^4$ or quotients of $mathbb{S}^3times mathbb{R}$ by a cocompact fixed point free subgroup of the isometry group of the standard metric of $mathbb{S}^3times mathbb{R}$, or a connected sum of them.

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In this paper we study the Ricci flow on compact four-manifolds with positive isotropic curvature and with no essential incompressible space form. Our purpose is two-fold. One is to give a complete proof of Hamiltons classification theorem on four-ma nifolds with positive isotropic curvature and with no essential incompressible space form; the other is to extend some recent results of Perelman on the three-dimensional Ricci flow to four-manifolds. During the the proof we have actually provided, up to slight modifications, all necessary details for the part from Section 1 to Section 5 of Perelmans second paper on the Ricci flow.
In this note we prove that a four-dimensional compact oriented half-confor-mally flat Riemannian manifold $M^4$ is topologically $mathbb{S}^{4}$ or $mathbb{C}mathbb{P}^{2},$ provided that the sectional curvatures all lie in the interval $[frac{3sqrt{ 3}-5}{4},,1].$ In addition, we use the notion of biorthogonal (sectional) curvature to obtain a pinching condition which guarantees that a four-dimensional compact manifold is homeomorphic to a connected sum of copies of the complex projective plane or the $4$-sphere.
In this paper, we show that a closed $n$-dimensional generalized ($lambda, n+m)$-Einstein manifold with positive isotropic curvature and constant scalar curvature must be isometric to either a sphere ${Bbb S}^n$, or a product ${Bbb S}^{1} times {Bbb S}^{n-1}$ of a circle with an $(n-1)$-sphere, up to finite cover and rescaling.
141 - Seungsu Hwang , Gabjin Yun 2021
The critical point equation arises as a critical point of the total scalar curvature functional defined on the space of constant scalar curvature metrics of a unit volume on a compact manifold. In this equation, there exists a function $f$ on the man ifold that satisfies the following $$ (1+f){rm Ric} = Ddf + frac{nf +n-1}{n(n-1)}sg. $$ It has been conjectured that if $(g, f)$ is a solution of the critical point equation, then $g$ is Einstein and so $(M, g)$ is isometric to a standard sphere. In this paper, we show that this conjecture is true if the given Riemannian metric has positive isotropic curvature.
We prove that a complete noncompact K{a}hler manifold $M^{n}$of positive bisectional curvature satisfying suitable growth conditions is biholomorphic to a pseudoconvex domain of {bf C}$^{n}$ and we show that the manifold is topologically {bf R}$^{2n} $. In particular, when $M^{n}$ is a K{a}hler surface of positive bisectional curvature satisfying certain natural geometric growth conditions, it is biholomorphic to {bf C}$^{2}$.
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