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Frequent itemsets mining for database auto-administration

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 نشر من قبل Jerome Darmont
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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With the wide development of databases in general and data warehouses in particular, it is important to reduce the tasks that a database administrator must perform manually. The aim of auto-administrative systems is to administrate and adapt themselves automatically without loss (or even with a gain) in performance. The idea of using data mining techniques to extract useful knowledge for administration from the data themselves has existed for some years. However, little research has been achieved. This idea nevertheless remains a very promising approach, notably in the field of data warehousing, where queries are very heterogeneous and cannot be interpreted easily. The aim of this study is to search for a way of extracting useful knowledge from stored data themselves to automatically apply performance optimization techniques, and more particularly indexing techniques. We have designed a tool that extracts frequent itemsets from a given workload to compute an index configuration that helps optimizing data access time. The experiments we performed showed that the index configurations generated by our tool allowed performance gains of 15% to 25% on a test database and a test data warehouse.

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اقرأ أيضاً

73 - Peng Jiang , Rujia Wang , Bo Wu 2021
Frequent Subgraph Mining (FSM) is the key task in many graph mining and machine learning applications. Numerous systems have been proposed for FSM in the past decade. Although these systems show good performance for small patterns (with no more than four vertices), we found that they have difficulty in mining larger patterns. In this work, we propose a novel two-vertex exploration strategy to accelerate the mining process. Compared with the single-vertex exploration adopted by previous systems, our two-vertex exploration avoids the large memory consumption issue and significantly reduces the memory access overhead. We further enhance the performance through an index-based quick pattern technique that reduces the overhead of isomorphism checks, and a subgraph sampling technique that mitigates the issue of subgraph explosion. The experimental results show that our system achieves significant speedups against the state-of-the-art graph pattern mining systems and supports larger pattern mining tasks that none of the existing systems can handle.
Frequent-pattern mining is a common approach to reveal the valuable hidden trends behind data. However, existing frequent-pattern mining algorithms are designed for DRAM, instead of persistent memories (PMs), which can lead to severe performance and energy overhead due to the utterly different characteristics between DRAM and PMs when they are running on PMs. In this paper, we propose an efficient and Wear-leveling-aware Frequent-Pattern Mining scheme, WFPM, to solve this problem. The proposed WFPM is evaluated by a series of experiments based on realistic datasets from diversified application scenarios, where WFPM achieves 32.0% performance improvement and prolongs the NVM lifetime of header table by 7.4x over the EvFP-Tree.
291 - Jeff Heaton 2017
Frequent itemset mining is a popular data mining technique. Apriori, Eclat, and FP-Growth are among the most common algorithms for frequent itemset mining. Considerable research has been performed to compare the relative performance between these thr ee algorithms, by evaluating the scalability of each algorithm as the dataset size increases. While scalability as data size increases is important, previous papers have not examined the performance impact of similarly sized datasets that contain different itemset characteristics. This paper explores the effects that two dataset characteristics can have on the performance of these three frequent itemset algorithms. To perform this empirical analysis, a dataset generator is created to measure the effects of frequent item density and the maximum transaction size on performance. The generated datasets contain the same number of rows. This provides some insight into dataset characteristics that are conducive to each algorithm. The results of this papers research demonstrate Eclat and FP-Growth both handle increases in maximum transaction size and frequent itemset density considerably better than the Apriori algorithm. This paper explores the effects that two dataset characteristics can have on the performance of these three frequent itemset algorithms. To perform this empirical analysis, a dataset generator is created to measure the effects of frequent item density and the maximum transaction size on performance. The generated datasets contain the same number of rows. This provides some insight into dataset characteristics that are conducive to each algorithm. The results of this papers research demonstrate Eclat and FP-Growth both handle increases in maximum transaction size and frequent itemset density considerably better than the Apriori algorithm.
A new stream of research was born in the last decade with the goal of mining itemsets of interest using Constraint Programming (CP). This has promoted a natural way to combine complex constraints in a highly flexible manner. Although CP state-of-the- art solutions formulate the task using Boolean variables, the few attempts to adopt propositional Satisfiability (SAT) provided an unsatisfactory performance. This work deepens the study on when and how to use SAT for the frequent itemset mining (FIM) problem by defining different encodings with multiple task-driven enumeration options and search strategies. Although for the majority of the scenarios SAT-based solutions appear to be non-competitive with CP peers, results show a variety of interesting cases where SAT encodings are the best option.
FP-Growth algorithm is a Frequent Pattern Min- ing (FPM) algorithm that has been extensively used to study correlations and patterns in large scale datasets. While several researchers have designed distributed memory FP-Growth algorithms, it is pivot al to consider fault tolerant FP-Growth, which can address the increasing fault rates in large scale systems. In this work, we propose a novel parallel, algorithm-level fault-tolerant FP-Growth algorithm. We leverage algorithmic properties and MPI advanced features to guarantee an O(1) space complexity, achieved by using the dataset memory space itself for checkpointing. We also propose a recovery algorithm that can use in-memory and disk-based checkpointing, though in many cases the recovery can be completed without any disk access, and incurring no memory overhead for checkpointing. We evaluate our FT algorithm on a large scale InfiniBand cluster with several large datasets using up to 2K cores. Our evaluation demonstrates excellent efficiency for checkpointing and recovery in comparison to the disk-based approach. We have also observed 20x average speed-up in comparison to Spark, establishing that a well designed algorithm can easily outperform a solution based on a general fault-tolerant programming model.
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