Convergence of the critical finite-range contact process to super-Brownian motion above the upper critical dimension: I. The higher-point functions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the critical spread-out contact process in Z^d with dge1, whose infection range is denoted by Lge1. In this paper, we investigate the r-point function tau_{vec t}^{(r)}(vec x) for rge3, which is the probability that, for all i=1,...,r-1, the individual located at x_iin Z^d is infected at time t_i by the individual at the origin oin Z^d at time 0. Together with the results of the 2-point function in [van der Hofstad and Sakai, Electron. J. Probab. 9 (2004), 710-769; arXiv:math/0402049], on which our proofs crucially rely, we prove that the r-point functions converge to the moment measures of the canonical measure of super-Brownian motion above the upper-critical dimension 4. We also prove partial results for dle4 in a local mean-field setting.

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