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Neighborliness of Marginal Polytopes

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 نشر من قبل Thomas Kahle
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Thomas Kahle

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A neighborliness property of marginal polytopes of hierarchical models, depending on the cardinality of the smallest non-face of the underlying simplicial complex, is shown. The case of binary variables is studied explicitly, then the general case is reduced to the binary case. A Markov basis for binary hierarchical models whose simplicial complexes is the complement of an interval is given.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We give a bijection between a quotient space of the parameters and the space of moments for any $A$-hypergeometric distribution. An algorithmic method to compute the inverse image of the map is proposed utilizing the holonomic gradient method and an asymptotic equivalence of the map and the iterative proportional scaling. The algorithm gives a method to solve a conditional maximum likelihood estimation problem in statistics. Our interplay between the theory of hypergeometric functions and statistics gives some new formulas of $A$-hypergeometric polynomials.
115 - Ondrej Kuzelka , Yuyi Wang 2020
We study computational aspects of relational marginal polytopes which are statistical relational learning counterparts of marginal polytopes, well-known from probabilistic graphical models. Here, given some first-order logic formula, we can define it s relational marginal statistic to be the fraction of groundings that make this formula true in a given possible world. For a list of first-order logic formulas, the relational marginal polytope is the set of all points that correspond to the expected values of the relational marginal statistics that are realizable. In this paper, we study the following two problems: (i) Do domain-liftability results for the partition functions of Markov logic networks (MLNs) carry over to the problem of relational marginal polytope construction? (ii) Is the relational marginal polytope containment problem hard under some plausible complexity-theoretic assumptions? Our positive results have consequences for lifted weight learning of MLNs. In particular, we show that weight learning of MLNs is domain-liftable whenever the computation of the partition function of the respective MLNs is domain-liftable (this result has not been rigorously proven before).
Suppose $V$ is an $n$-element set where for each $x in V$, the elements of $V setminus {x}$ are ranked by their similarity to $x$. The $K$-nearest neighbor graph is a directed graph including an arc from each $x$ to the $K$ points of $V setminus {x}$ most similar to $x$. Constructive approximation to this graph using far fewer than $n^2$ comparisons is important for the analysis of large high-dimensional data sets. $K$-Nearest Neighbor Descent is a parameter-free heuristic where a sequence of graph approximations is constructed, in which second neighbors in one approximation are proposed as neighbors in the next. Run times in a test case fit an $O(n K^2 log{n})$ pattern. This bound is rigorously justified for a similar algorithm, using range queries, when applied to a homogeneous Poisson process in suitable dimension. However the basic algorithm fails to achieve subquadratic complexity on sets whose similarity rankings arise from a ``generic linear order on the $binom{n}{2}$ inter-point distances in a metric space.
In this paper, we explore a connection between binary hierarchical models, their marginal polytopes and codeword polytopes, the convex hulls of linear codes. The class of linear codes that are realizable by hierarchical models is determined. We class ify all full dimensional polytopes with the property that their vertices form a linear code and give an algorithm that determines them.
Let svec = (s_1,...,s_m) and tvec = (t_1,...,t_n) be vectors of nonnegative integer-valued functions of m,n with equal sum S = sum_{i=1}^m s_i = sum_{j=1}^n t_j. Let M(svec,tvec) be the number of m*n matrices with nonnegative integer entries such tha t the i-th row has row sum s_i and the j-th column has column sum t_j for all i,j. Such matrices occur in many different settings, an important example being the contingency tables (also called frequency tables) important in statistics. Define s=max_i s_i and t=max_j t_j. Previous work has established the asymptotic value of M(svec,tvec) as m,ntoinfty with s and t bounded (various authors independently, 1971-1974), and when svec,tvec are constant vectors with m/n,n/m,s/n >= c/log n for sufficiently large (Canfield and McKay, 2007). In this paper we extend the sparse range to the case st=o(S^(2/3)). The proof in part follows a previous asymptotic enumeration of 0-1 matrices under the same conditions (Greenhill, McKay and Wang, 2006). We also generalise the enumeration to matrices over any subset of the nonnegative integers that includes 0 and 1.
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