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T-odd Effects in Photon-Jet Production at the Tevatron

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 نشر من قبل Cristian Pisano
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
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The angular distribution in photon-jet production in pbar{p} -> gamma jet X is studied within a generalized factorization scheme taking into account the transverse momentum of the partons in the initial hadrons. Within this scheme an anomalously large cos(2phi) asymmetry observed in the Drell-Yan process could be attributed to the T-odd, spin and transverse momentum dependent parton distribution function h_1^{perp q}(x, p_{perp}^2). The same function is expected to produce a cos(2phi) asymmetry in the photon-jet production cross section. This particular azimuthal asymmetry is estimated to be smaller than the Drell-Yan asymmetry but still of considerable size for Tevatron kinematics, offering a new possibility to study T-odd effects at the Tevatron.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We demonstrate that in the back-to-back kinematics the production of four jets in the collision of two partons is suppressed in the leading log approximation of pQCD, compared to the hard processes involving the collision of four partons. We derive t he basic equation for four-jet production in QCD in terms of the convolution of generalized two-parton distributions of colliding hadrons in the momentum space representation. Our derivation leads to geometrical approach in the impact parameter space close to that suggested within the parton model and used before to describe the four-jet production. We develop the independent parton approximation to the light-cone wave function of the proton. Comparison with the CDF and D0 data shows that the independent parton approximation to the light-cone wave function of the proton is insufficient to explain the data. We argue that the data indicate the presence of significant multiparton correlations in the light-cone wave functions of colliding protons.
We discuss T-odd correlations between jet and lepton momenta in tt_bar events at the Tevatron that can be used to search for CP violation. We identify correlations suitable for the lepton plus jets and purely hadronic top-quark pair decay channels. A s an example of CP violation we consider the top-quark anomalous couplings, including its chromo-electric dipole moment, and we estimate the limits that can be placed at the Tevatron.
Next-to-leading order predictions matched to parton showers are compared with recent ATLAS data on inclusive photon production and CMS data on associated photon and jet production in pp and pPb collisions at different centre-of-mass energies of the L HC. We find good agreement and, as expected, considerably reduced scale uncertainties compared to previous theoretical calculations. Predictions are made for the ratio of inclusive photons over decay photons $R_gamma$, an important quantity to evaluate the significance of additional photon sources, e.g. thermal radiation from a Quark-Gluon-Plasma, and for distributions in the parton momentum fraction in lead ions $x_{rm Pb}^{rm obs}$, that could be determined by ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb in ongoing analyses of photon+jet production in pPb collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02$ TeV. These data should have an important impact on the determination of nuclear effects such as shadowing at low $x$.
276 - M. Chaichian 2000
We study the production of $(t+bar{t}) tilde{g}$ at the hadron colliders in an R-parity ($R_{p}$) violating supersymmetric model. This process provides us with information not only about $R_{p}$ violation, but may also help us in detecting the supers ymmetry itself. It is possible to detect an $R_{p}$ violating signal (with single gluino production) at the future hadron colliders, such as Fermilab Tevatron Run II or CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), if the parameters in the supersymmetric $rlap/ R_{p}$ interactions are not too small, e.g. for $m_{tilde{g}}=1$ TeV, $lambda^{}=0.1$, still hundreds of events are produced at LHC with luminosity $30 fb^{-1}$. Even if we could not detect a signal of $ rlap/R_{p}$ in the experiment, we get stringent constraints on the heavy flavour $rlap/R_{p}$ couplings. In addition to the minimal supersymmetric standard model we have also considered some models with a heavy gluino as the lightest supersymmetric particle.
186 - H. Jung 2010
We present hadron-level predictions from the Monte Carlo generator Cascade and numerical calculations of charm and beauty production at the Fermilab Tevatron within the framework of the $k_T$-factorization QCD approach. Our consideration is based on the CCFM-evolved unintegrated gluon densities in a proton. The performed analysis covers the total and differential cross sections of open charm and beauty quarks, $B$ and $D$ mesons (or rather muons from their semileptonic decays) and the total and differential cross sections of $b bar b$ di-jet hadroproduction. We study the theoretical uncertainties of our calculations and investigate the effects coming from parton showers in initial and final states. Our predictions are compared with the recent experimental data taken by the D0 and CDF collaborations. Special attention is put on the specific angular correlations between the final-state particles. We demonstrate that the final state parton shower plays a crucial role in the description of such observables. The decorrelated part of angular separations can be fully described, if the process $gg^*rightarrow gg$ is included.
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