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Constraints from CMB on Spacetime Noncommutativity and Causality Violation

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 نشر من قبل Anosh Joseph
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We try to constrain the noncommutativity length scale of the theoretical model given in Ref. [1] using the observational data from ACBAR, CBI and five year WMAP. The noncommutativity parameter is not constrained by WMAP data, however ACBAR and CBI data restrict the lower bound of its energy scale to be around 10 TeV. We also derive an expression for the amount of non-causality coming from spacetime noncommutativity for the fields of primordial scalar perturbations that are space-like separated. The amount of causality violation for these field fluctuations are direction dependent.

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اقرأ أيضاً

In recent work we showed that, for a class of conformal field theories (CFT) with Gauss-Bonnet gravity dual, the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, $eta/s$, could violate the conjectured Kovtun-Starinets-Son viscosity bound, $eta/sgeq1/4pi$. I n this paper we argue, in the context of the same model, that tuning $eta/s$ below $(16/25)(1/4pi)$ induces microcausality violation in the CFT, rendering the theory inconsistent. This is a concrete example in which inconsistency of a theory and a lower bound on viscosity are correlated, supporting the idea of a possible universal lower bound on $eta/s$ for all consistent theories.
120 - Carlo R. Contaldi 2015
Correlations of polarization components in the coordinate frame are a natural basis for searches of parity-violating modes in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). This fact can be exploited to build estimators of parity-violating modes that are {sl local} and robust with respect to partial-sky coverage or inhomogeneous weighting. As an example application of a method based on these ideas we develop a peak stacking tool that isolates the signature of parity-violating modes. We apply the tool to {sl Planck} maps and obtain a constraint on the monopole of the polarization rotation angle $alpha < 0.72$ degrees at $95%$ We also demonstrate how the tool can be used as a local method for reconstructing maps of direction dependent rotation $alpha(hat {n})$.
Recently, it has been shown that if we consider the higher derivative correction, the viscosity bound conjectured to be $eta/s=1/4pi$ is violated and so is the causality. In this paper, we consider medium effect and the higher derivative correction s imultaneously by adding charge and Gauss-Bonnet terms. We find that the viscosity bound violation is not changed by the charge. However, we find that two effects together create another instability for large momentum regime. We argue the presence of tachyonic modes and show it numerically. The stability of the black brane requires the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant $lambda$($=2alpha/l^2$) to be smaller than 1/24. We draw a phase diagram relevant to the instability in charge-coupling space.
We show that a non-minimal coupling of electromagnetism with background torsion can produce birefringence of the electromagnetic waves. This birefringence gives rise to a B-mode polarization of the CMB. From the bounds on B-mode from WMAP and BOOMERa nG data, one can put limits on the background torsion at $xi_{1}T_{1}=(-3.35 pm 2.65) times 10^{-22} GeV^{-1}$.
We study future observational constraints on cosmic string parameters from various types of next-generation experiments: direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs), pulsar timing array, and the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We consider both G W burst and stochastic GW background searches by ground- and space-based interferometers as well as GW background detection in pulsar timing experiments. We also consider cosmic string contributions to the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. These different types of observations offer independent probes of cosmic strings and may enable us to investigate cosmic string properties if the signature is detected. In this paper, we evaluate the power of future experiments to constrain cosmic string parameters, such as the string tension Gmu, the initial loop size alpha, and the reconnection probability p, by performing Fisher information matrix calculations. We find that combining the information from the different types of observations breaks parameter degeneracies and provides more stringent constraints on the parameters. We also find future space-borne interferometers independently provide a highly precise determination of the parameters.
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