Thermalized Non-Equilibrated Matter: Compound Processes and Beyond

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A characteristic feature of thermalized non-equilibrated matter is that, in spite of energy relaxation (thermalization), a phase memory of the way the strongly interacting many-body system was excited remains. In this contribution we analyze a low energy evaporating proton data in nucleon induced reactions at $simeq$62 MeV incident energy with $^{197}$Au, $^{208}$Pb, $^{209}$Bi and $^{nat}$U. Our analysis demonstrates that the thermalized non-equilibrated matter survives a cascade of several evaporating particles. Thus the experiments show that the effect of the anomalously slow phase relaxation, with upper limits of the phase relaxation widths in the range 1-10$^{-4}$ eV, is stable with respect to the multi-step evaporating cascade from the thermalized compound nuclei. We also briefly mention manifestations and implications of the thermalized non-equilibrated matter for some other fields.

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