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The diffeomorphism groups of the real line are pairwise bihomeomorphic

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 نشر من قبل Taras Banakh
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We prove that the group D^r(R) of C^r diffeomorphisms of the real line, endowed with the compact-open and Whitney C^r topologies, is bihomeomorphic to the group H(R) of homeomorphisms of the real line endowed with the compact-open and Whitney topologies. This implies that the diffeomorphism group D^r(R) endowed with the Whitney C^r topology is homeomorphic to the countable box-power of the separable Hilbert space.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

For a non-compact n-manifold M let H(M) denote the group of homeomorphisms of M endowed with the Whitney topology and H_c(M) the subgroup of H(M) consisting of homeomorphisms with compact support. It is shown that the group H_c(M) is locally contract ible and the identity component H_0(M) of H(M) is an open normal subgroup in H_c(M). This induces the topological factorization H_c(M) approx H_0(M) times M_c(M) for the mapping class group M_c(M) = H_c(M)/H_0(M) with the discrete topology. Furthermore, for any non-compact surface M, the pair (H(M), H_c(M)) is locally homeomorphic to (square^w l_2,cbox^w l_2) at the identity id_M of M. Thus the group H_c(M) is an (l_2 times R^infty)-manifold. We also study topological properties of the group D(M) of diffeomorphisms of a non-compact smooth n-manifold M endowed with the Whitney C^infty-topology and the subgroup D_c(M) of D(M) consisting of all diffeomorphisms with compact support. It is shown that the pair (D(M),D_c(M)) is locally homeomorphic to (square^w l_2, cbox^w l_2) at the identity id_M of M. Hence the group D_c(M) is a topological (l_2 times R^infty)-manifold for any dimension n.
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