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General solution of a second order non-homogenous linear difference equation with noncommutative coefficients

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 نشر من قبل Anastasia Jivulescu
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The detailed construction of the general solution of a second order non-homogenous linear operatordifference equation is presented. The wide applicability of such an equation as well as the usefulness of its resolutive formula is shown by studying some applications belonging to different mathematical contexts.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The exact solution of a Cauchy problem related to a linear second-order difference equation with constant noncommutative coefficients is reported.
In this paper we study in a Hilbert space a homogeneous linear second order difference equation with nonconstant and noncommuting operator coefficients. We build its exact resolutive formula consisting in the explicit non-iterative expression of a ge neric term of the unknown sequence of vectors of the Hilbert space. Some non-trivial applications are reported with the aim of showing the usefulness and the broad applicability of our result.
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The singularity structure of a second-order ordinary differential equation with polynomial coefficients often yields the type of solution. If the solution is a special function that is studied in the literature, then the result is more manageable usi ng the properties of that function. It is straightforward to find the regular and irregular singular points of such an equation by a computer algebra system. However, one needs the corresponding indices for a full analysis of the singularity structure. It is shown that the $theta$-operator method can be used as a symbolic computational approach to obtain the indicial equation and the recurrence relation. Consequently, the singularity structure which can be visualized through a Riemann P-symbol leads to the transformations that yield a solution in terms of a special function, if the equation is suitable. Hypergeometric and Heun-type equations are mostly employed in physical applications. Thus only these equations and their confluent types are considered with SageMath routines which are assembled in the open-source package symODE2.
While not generally a conservation law, any symmetry of the equations of motion implies a useful reduction of any second-order equationto a first-order equation between invariants, whose solutions (first integrals) can then be integrated by quadratur e (Lies Theorem on the solvability of differential equations). We illustrate this theorem by applying scale invariance to the equations for the hydrostatic equilibrium of stars in local thermodynamic equilibrium: Scaling symmetry reduces the Lane-Emden equation to a first-order equation between scale invariants un; vn, whose phase diagram encapsulates all the properties of index-n polytropes. From this reduced equation, we obtain the regular (Emden) solutions and demonstrate graphically how they transform under scale transformations.
The determinant of a lower Hessenberg matrix (Hessenbergian) is expressed as a sum of signed elementary products indexed by initial segments of nonnegative integers. A closed form alternative to the recurrence expression of Hessenbergians is thus obt ained. This result further leads to a closed form of the general solution for regular order linear difference equations with variable coefficients, including equations of N-order and equations of ascending order.
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