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Exchange parameters of copper-based quasi-two-dimensional Heisenberg magnets measured using high magnetic fields and muon-spin rotation

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 نشر من قبل John Singleton
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Pulsed-field magnetization experiments (fields $B$ of up to 85 T and temperatures $T$ down to 0.4 K) are reported on nine organic Cu-based two-dimensional (2D) Heisenberg magnets. All compounds show a low-$T$ magnetization that is concave as a function of $B$, with a sharp ``elbow transition to a constant value at a field $B_{rm c}$. Monte-Carlo simulations including a finite interlayer exchange energy $J_{perp}$ quantitatively reproduce the data; the concavity indicates the effective dimensionality and $B_{rm c}$ is an accurate measure of the in-plane exchange energy $J$. Using these values and Neel temperatures measured by muon-spin rotation, it is also possible to obtain a quantitative estimate of $|J_{perp}/J|$. In the light of these results, it is suggested that in magnets of the form [Cu(HF$_2$)(pyz)$_2$]X, where X is an anion, the sizes of $J$ and $J_{perp}$ are controlled by the tilting of the pyrazine (pyz) molecule with respect to the 2D planes.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The correlated spin dynamics and the temperature dependence of the correlation length $xi(T)$ in two-dimensional quantum ($S=1/2$) Heisenberg antiferromagnets (2DQHAF) on square lattice are discussed in the light of experimental results of proton spi n lattice relaxation in copper formiate tetradeuterate (CFTD). In this compound the exchange constant is much smaller than the one in recently studied 2DQHAF, such as La$_2$CuO$_4$ and Sr$_2$CuO$_2$Cl$_2$. Thus the spin dynamics can be probed in detail over a wider temperature range. The NMR relaxation rates turn out in excellent agreement with a theoretical mode-coupling calculation. The deduced temperature behavior of $xi(T)$ is in agreement with high-temperature expansions, quantum Monte Carlo simulations and the pure quantum self-consistent harmonic approximation. Contrary to the predictions of the theories based on the Non-Linear $sigma$ Model, no evidence of crossover between different quantum regimes is observed.
We present an investigation of the effect of randomizing exchange strengths in the $S=1/2$ square lattice quasi-two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet (QuinH)$_2$Cu(Cl$_{x}$Br$_{1-x}$)$_{4}cdot$2H$_2$O (QuinH$=$Quinolinium, C$_9$H$_8$N$^+ $), with $0leq x leq 1$. Pulsed-field magnetization measurements allow us to estimate an effective in-plane exchange strength $J$ in a regime where exchange fosters short-range order, while the temperature $T_{mathrm{N}}$ at which long range order (LRO) occurs is found using muon-spin relaxation, allowing us to construct a phase diagram for the series. We evaluate the effectiveness of disorder in suppressing $T_{mathrm{N}}$ and the ordered moment size and find an extended disordered phase in the region $0.4 lesssim x lesssim 0.8$ where no magnetic order occurs, driven by quantum effects of the exchange randomness.
Frustrated magnets in high magnetic field have a long history of offering beautiful surprises to the patient investigator. Here we present the results of extensive classical Monte Carlo simulations of a variety of models of two dimensional magnets in magnetic field, together with complementary spin wave analysis. Striking results include (i) a massively enhanced magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnets bordering on ferromagnetic order, (ii) a route to an $m=1/3$ magnetization plateau on a square lattice, and (iii) a cascade of phase transitions in a simple model of AgNiO$_2$.
307 - Y. H. Su , M. M. Liang , 2009
A perturbation spin-wave theory for the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets on a square lattice is proposed to calculate the uniform static magnetic susceptibility at finite temperatures, where a divergence in the previous theories due to an artifici al phase transition has been removed. To the zeroth order, the main features of the uniform static susceptibility are produced: a linear temperature dependence at low temperatures and a smooth crossover in the intermediate range and the Curie law at high temperatures. When the leading corrections from the spin-wave interactions are included, the resulting spin susceptibility in the full temperature range is in agreement with the numerical quantum Monte Carlo simulations and high-temperature series expansions.
Muon spin rotation and relaxation ($mu$SR) experiments have been carried out to characterize magnetic and superconducting ground states in the Pr$_{1-x}$Nd$_x$Os$_4$Sb$_{12}$ alloy series. In the ferromagnetic end compound NdOs$_4$Sb$_{12}$ the spont aneous local field at positive-muon ($mu^+$) sites below the ordering temperature $T_C$ is greater than expected from dipolar coupling to ferromagnetically aligned Nd$^{3+}$ moments, indicating an additional indirect RKKY-like transferred hyperfine mechanism. For 0.45 $le x le$ 0.75, $mu^+$ spin relaxation rates in zero and weak longitudinal applied fields indicate that static fields at $mu^+$ sites below $T_C$ are reduced and strongly disordered. We argue this is unlikely to be due to reduction of Nd$^{3+}$ moments, and speculate that the Nd$^{3+}$-$mu^+$ interaction is suppressed and disordered by Pr doping. In an $x$ = 0.25 sample, which is superconducting below $T_c$ = 1.3 K, there is no sign of spin freezing (static Nd$^{3+}$ magnetism), ordered or disordered, down to 25 mK. Dynamic $mu^+$ spin relaxation is strong, indicating significant Nd-moment fluctuations. The $mu^+$ diamagnetic frequency shift and spin relaxation in the superconducting vortex-lattice phase decrease slowly below $T_c$, suggesting pair breaking and/or possible modification of Fermi-liquid renormalization by Nd spin fluctuations. For 0.25 $le x le$ 0.75, the $mu$SR data provide evidence against phase separation; superconductivity and Nd$^{3+}$ magnetism coexist on the atomic scale.
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