Squashed Kerr-Godel Black Holes - Kaluza-Klein Black Holes with Rotations of Black Hole and Universe -

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Applying squashing transformation to Kerr-Godel black hole solutions, we present a new type of a rotating Kaluza-Klein black hole solution to the five-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory with a Chern-Simon term. The new solutions generated via the squashing transformation have no closed timelike curve everywhere outside the black hole horizons. At the infinity, the metric asymptotically approaches a twisted S^1 bundle over a four-dimensional Minkowski space-time. One of the remarkable features is that the solution has two independent rotation parameters along an extra dimension associated with the black holes rotation and the Godels rotation. The space-time also admits the existence of two disconnected ergoregions, an inner ergoregion and an outer ergoregion. These two ergoregions can rotate in the opposite direction as well as in the same direction.

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