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The Lyman-alpha forest at redshifts 0.1 -- 1.6: good agreement between a large hydrodynamic simulation and HST spectra

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 نشر من قبل Tridivesh Jena
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We give a comprehensive statistical description of the Lyman-alpha absorption from the intergalactic medium in a hydrodynamic simulation at redshifts 0.1-1.6, the range of redshifts covered by HST spectra of QSOs. We use the ENZO code to make a 76 comoving Mpc cube simulation using 75 kpc cells, for a Hubble constant of 71 km/s/Mpc. The best prior work, by citet{dave99},used an SPH simulation in a 15.6 Mpc box with an effective resolution of 245 kpc and slightly different cosmological parameters. At redshifts z=2 this simulation is different from data. citet{tytler07b} found that the simulated spectra at z=2 have too little power on large scales, Lyman-alpha lines are too wide, there is a lack high column density lines, and there is a lack of pixels with low flux. Here we present statistics at z<1.6, including the flux distribution, the mean flux, the effective opacity, and the power and correlation of the flux. We also give statistics of the lyman alpha lines including the line width distribution, the column density distribution, the number of lines per unit equivalent width and redshift, and the correlation between the line width and column density. We find that the mean amount of absorption in the simulated spectra changes smoothly with redshift with DA(z)=0.01(1+z)^{2.25}. Both the trend and absolute values are close to measurements of HST spectra by citet{kirkman07a}. The column density and line width distributions are also close to those measured from HST spectra by citet{janknecht06a}, except for the mode of the line width distribution which is smaller in the HST spectra. Although some differences that we saw at z=2 are too subtle to be seen in existing HST spectra, overall, the simulation gives an good description of HST spectra at 0.1<z<1.6.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We measure the amount of absorption in the Lyman-alpha forest at 0 < z < 1.6 in HST FOS spectra of 74 QSOs. At 0 < z < 1.6 we find that 79% of the absorption is from the low density intergalactic medium, 12% from metals and 9% from the strong H I lin es, nearly identical to the percentages (78, 15 and 7) that we measured independently at z=2 from spectra taken with the Kast spectrograph on the Lick 3-m. At z=1 the low density intergalactic medium absorbs 0.037 +/- 0.004 of the flux. The error includes some but not all of the uncertainty in the continuum level. The remaining part gives relative errors of approximately 0.21 when we report the mean absorption in eight independent redshift intervals, and 0.047 when we average over all redshifts. We find 1.46 times more absorption from the low density intergalactic medium than comes from Ly-alpha lines that Bechtold et al. 2002 listed in the same spectra. The amount of absorption increases with z and can be fit by a power law in (1+z) with index 1.01. This corresponds to no change in the number of lines, of fixed rest frame equivalent widths, per unit redshift, consistent with the Janknecht et al. 2006 results on the distribution of lines. When we include similar measurements from higher redshifts, we need more degrees of freedom to fit the amount of absorption at 0 < z < 3.2. A power law with a break in slope, changing from index 1.5 at low z to 3.0 above z ~ 1.1 is a better but only marginally acceptable fit. We also calculate two other continuous statistics, the flux probability distribution function and the flux autocorrelation function that is non zero out to v ~ 500 km/sec at 0.5 < z < 1.5.
124 - Juna A. Kollmeier 2002
We use hydrodynamic simulations to predict correlations between Lya forest absorption and galaxies at redshift z~3. The probability distribution function (PDF) of Lya flux decrements shifts systematically towards higher values in the vicinity of gala xies, reflecting the overdense environments in which these galaxies reside. The predicted signal remains strong in spectra smoothed over 50-200 km/s, allowing tests with moderate resolution quasar spectra. The strong bias of high redshift galaxies towards high density regions imprints a clear signature on the flux PDF, but the predictions are not sensitive to galaxy baryon mass or star formation rate, and they are similar for galaxies and for dark matter halos. The dependence of the flux PDF on galaxy proximity is sensitive to redshift determination errors, with rms errors of 150-300 km/s substantially weakening the predicted trends. On larger scales, the mean galaxy overdensity in a cube of 5 or 10 Mpc/h (comoving) is strongly correlated with the mean Lya flux decrement on a line of sight through the cube center. The slope of the correlation is ~3 times steeper for galaxies than for dark matter as a result of galaxy bias. The predicted large scale correlation is in qualitative agreement with recently reported observational results. However, observations also show a drop in absorption in the immediate vicinity of galaxies, which our models do not predict even if we allow the galaxies or AGNs within them to be ionizing sources. This decreased absorption could be a signature of galaxy feedback on the surrounding IGM, perhaps via galactic winds. Peculiar velocities often allow gas at comoving distances ~1.5 Mpc/h to produce saturated absorption at the galaxy redshift, so any feedback mechanism must suppress neutral hydrogen out to these radii to match the data. (Abridged)
We analyzed the absorption line spectra of all quasars observed with the high resolution gratings of the Faint Object Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope. We examined 788 spectra for 334 quasars, and present line lists and identification s of absorption lines in the spectra of 271 of them. Analysis of the statistics of the Ly-alpha and metal absorption systems are presented in companion papers (Dobrzycki et al. 2001; Scott et al. 2001; Morita et al. 2001). The data and several analysis products are available electronically and on the authors web site.
We present a search for spatial and redshift correlations in a 2 A resolution spectroscopic survey of the Lyman alpha forest at 2.15 < z < 3.37 toward ten QSOs concentrated within a 1-degree diameter field. We find a signal at 2.7 sigma significance for correlations of the Lyman alpha absorption line wavelengths between different lines of sight over the whole redshift range. The significance rises to 3.2 sigma if we restrict the redshift range to 2.60 < z < 3.37, and to 4.0 sigma if we further restrict the sample to lines with rest equivalent width 0.1 <= W0/(A) < 0.9. We conclude that a significant fraction of the Lyman alpha forest arises in structures whose correlation length extends at least over 30 arcmin (~26/h comoving Mpc at z=2.6 for H0 = 100h km/s/Mpc, Omega=1.0, Lambda=0). We have also calculated the three dimensional two point correlation function for Lyman alpha absorbers; we do not detect any significant signal in the data. However, we note that line blending prevents us from detecting the signal produced by a 100% overdensity of Lyman alpha absorbers in simulated data. We find that the Lyman alpha forest redshift distribution provides a more sensitive test for such clustering than the three dimensional two point correlation function.
Using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) early data release spectra, we have identified 370 MgII absorption systems with MgII 2796 rest equivalent widths >= 1A and redshifts z=0.9-2.2. From our previous and ongoing HST UV spectroscopic studies, we estim ate that the mean neutral hydrogen column density of a system selected in this manner is N(HI) = 3.6 +/- 1.3 x10^(20) atoms cm^(-2), which corresponds to the damped Ly-alpha (DLA) regime. We have formed high signal-to-noise ratio composite spectra using 223 of these systems with z=0.9-2.0 in order to study the strength of the ZnII and CrII absorption lines corresponding to this mean neutral hydrogen column density. After making a correction for missed DLAs, overall we find that [Zn/H] = -1.13 +/- 0.19. We find [Cr/Zn] = -0.45 +/- 0.13, which indicates that approx 65% of the Cr is depleted on to grains, but this does not correct for the missed DLAs. We have also derived Zn and Cr abundances in two kinematic regimes, and within each regime we consider two redshift intervals. We find trends which indicate that metallicities are higher in the composites where the absorption has larger velocity spreads as measured by MgII 2796 rest equivalent width. Larger velocity spreads may correspond to deeper gravitational potential wells which represent more massive and chemically evolved structures, and/or regions associated with winds from starbursting galaxies, also leading to kinematically broad structures of chemically enriched gas. Within the large velocity spread regime, we find that at lower redshifts the Zn metallicity is larger and more Cr is depleted on to grains.
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