Experimental microstylolites in quartz and modelling of natural stylolitic structures

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Experimental microstylolites have been observed at stressed contacts between quartz grains loaded for several weeks in the presence of an aqueous silica solution, at 350 8C and 50 MPa of differential stress. Stereoscopic analysis of pairs of SEM images yielded a digital elevation model of the surface of the microstylolites. Fourier analyses of these microstylolites reveal a self-affine roughness (with a roughness exponent H of 1.2). Coupled with observations of close interactions between dissolution pits and stylolitic peaks, these data illustrate a possible mechanism for stylolite formation. The complex geometry of stylolite surfaces is imposed by the interplay between the development of dissolution peaks in preferential locations (fast dissolution pits) and the mechanical properties of the solid-fluid-solid interfaces. Simple mechanical modeling expresses the crucial competition that could rule the development of microstylolites: (i) a stress-related process, modeled in terms of the stiffness of springs that activate the heterogeneous dissolution rates of the solid interface, promotes the deflection. In parallel, (ii) the strength of the solid interface, modeled in terms of the stiffness of a membrane, is equivalent to a surface tension that limits the deflection and opposes its development. The modeling produces stylolitic surfaces with characteristic geometries varying from conical to columnar when both the effect of dissolution-rate heterogeneity and the strength properties of the rock are taken into account. A self-affine roughness exponent (Hz1.2) measured on modeled surfaces is comparable with natural stylolites at small length scale and experimental microstylolites.

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