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Estimating the total infrared luminosity of galaxies up to z~2 from mid- and far-infrared observations

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 نشر من قبل Nicolas Bavouzet
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the observed correlations between rest-frame 8, 24, 70 and 160 um monochromatic luminosities and measured total infrared luminosities L_IR of galaxies detected by Spitzer. Our sample consists of 372 star-forming galaxies with individual detections and flux measurements at 8, 24, 70 and 160 um. We have spectroscopic redshifts for 93% of these sources, and accurate photometric redshifts for the remainder. We also used a stacking analysis to measure the IR fluxes of fainter sources at higher redshifts. We show that the monochromatic mid and far-infrared luminosities are strongly correlated with the total infrared luminosity and our stacking analysis confirms that these correlations also hold at higher redshifts. We provide relations between monochromatic luminosities and total infrared luminosities L_IR that should be reliable up to z~2 (z~1.1) for ULIRGs (LIRGs). In particular, we can predict L_IR with accuracies of 37% and 54% from the 8 and 24 um fluxes, while the best tracer is the 70 um flux. Combining bands leads to slightly more accurate estimates. For example, combining the 8 and 24 um luminosities predicts L_IR with an accuracy of 34%. Our results are generally compatible with previous studies, and the small changes are probably due to differences in the sample selection criteria. We can rule out strong evolution in dust properties with redshift up to z~1. Finally, we show that infrared and sub-millimeter observations are complementary means of building complete samples of star-forming galaxies, with the former being more sensitive for z<~2 and the latter at higher z>~2.

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اقرأ أيضاً

82 - C. J. Cesarsky 1999
From the disk of normal galaxies to the nucleus of prototype active sources, we review the wealth of results and new understanding provided by recent infrared probes and, in particular, the four instruments on-board of ISO.
We present the IR luminosity function derived from ultra-deep 70 micron imaging of the GOODS-North field. The 70 micron observations are longward of the PAH and silicate features which complicate work in the MIR. We derive far-infrared luminosities f or the 143 sources with S_{70} > 2 mJy (S/N > 3 sigma). The majority (81%) of the sources have spectroscopic redshifts, and photometric redshifts are calculated for the remainder. The IR luminosity function at four redshifts (z ~ 0.28, 0.48, 0.78, and 0.97) is derived and compared to the local one. There is considerable degeneracy between luminosity and density evolution. If the evolving luminosity function is described as rho(L, z) = (1 + z)^q rho(L/(1 + z)^p, 0), we find q = -2.19p + 6.09. In the case of pure luminosity evolution, we find a best fit of p = 2.78^{+0.34}_{-0.32}. This is consistent with the results from 24 micron and 1.4 GHz studies. Our results confirm the emerging picture of strong evolution in LIRGs and ULIRGs at 0.4 < z < 1.1, but we find no evidence of significant evolution in the sub-LIRG (L < 10^{11} L_{odot}) population for z < 0.4.
The SPICA mid and far-infrared telescope will address fundamental issues in our understanding of star formation and ISM physics in galaxies. A particular hallmark of SPICA is the outstanding sensitivity enabled by the cold telescope, optimized detect ors, and wide instantaneous bandwidth throughout the mid- and far-infrared. The spectroscopic, imaging and polarimetric observations that SPICA will be able to collect will help in clarifying the complex physical mechanisms which underlie the baryon cycle of galaxies. In particular: (i) The access to a large suite of atomic and ionic fine-structure lines for large samples of galaxies will shed light on the origin of the observed spread in star formation rates within and between galaxies. (ii) Observations of HD rotational lines (out to $sim$10 Mpc) and fine structure lines such as [CII] 158 $mu$m (out to $sim$100 Mpc) will clarify the main reservoirs of interstellar matter in galaxies, including phases where CO does not emit. (iii) Far-infrared spectroscopy of dust and ice features will address uncertainties in the mass and composition of dust in galaxies, and the contributions of supernovae to the interstellar dust budget will be quantified by photometry and monitoring of supernova remnants in nearby galaxies. (iv) Observations of far-infrared cooling lines such as [OI] 63 $mu$m from star-forming molecular clouds in our Galaxy will evaluate the importance of shocks to dissipate turbulent energy. The paper concludes with requirements for the telescope and instruments, and recommendations for the observing strategy.
Aims. We quantify the contributions of 24um galaxies to the Far-Infrared (FIR) Background at 70 and 160um. We provide new estimates of the Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB), and compare it with the Cosmic Optical Background (COB). Methods. Using Spitz er data at 24, 70 and 160um in three deep fields, we stacked more than 19000 MIPS 24um sources with S24>60uJy at 70 and 160um, and measured the resulting FIR flux densities. Results. This method allows a gain up to one order of magnitude in depth in the FIR. We find that the Mid-Infrared (MIR) 24um selected sources contribute to more than 70% of the CIB at 70 and 160um. This is the first direct measurement of the contribution of MIR-selected galaxies to the FIR CIB. Galaxies contributing the most to the total CIB are thus z~1 luminous infrared galaxies, which have intermediate stellar masses. We estimate that the CIB will be resolved at 0.9 mJy at 70 and 3 mJy at 160um. By combining the extrapolation of the 24um source counts below 60uJy, with 160/24 and 70/24 colors as measured with the stacking analysis, we obtain lower limits of 7.1+/-1.0 and 13.4+/-1.7 nW/m2/sr for the CIB at 70 and 160um, respectively. Conclusions. The MIPS surveys have resolved more than three quarters of the MIR and FIR CIB. By carefully integrating the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) SED, we also find that the CIB has the same brightness as the COB, around 24 nW/m2/sr. The EBL is produced on average by 115 infrared photons for one visible photon. Finally, the galaxy formation and evolution processes emitted a brightness equivalent to 5% of the primordial electromagnetic background (CMB).
153 - Anna Sajina 2007
We present mid-IR spectral decomposition of a sample of 48 Spitzer-selected ULIRGs spanning z~1-3 and likely L_IR~10^12-10^13Lsun. Our study aims at quantifying the star-formation and AGN processes in these sources which recent results suggest have e volved strongly between the observed epoch and today. To do this, we study the mid-IR contribution of PAH emission, continuum, and extinction. About 3/4 of our sample are continuum- (i.e. AGN) dominated sources, but ~60% of these show PAH emission, suggesting the presence of star-formation activity. These sources have redder mid-IR colors than typical optically-selected quasars. About 25% of our sample have strong PAH emission, but none are likely to be pure starbursts as reflected in their relatively high 5um hot dust continua. However, their steep 30um-to-14um slopes suggest that star-formation might dominate the total infrared luminosity. Six of our z~2 sources have EW6.2>~0.3um and L_14um>~10^12Lsun (implying L_IR>~10^13Lsun). At these luminosities, such high EW6.2 ULIRGs do not exist in the local Universe. We find a median optical depth at 9.7um of <tau_9.7>=1.4. This is consistent with local IRAS-selected ULIRGs, but differs from early results on SCUBA-selected z~2 ULIRGs. Similar to local ULIRGs about 25% of our sample show extreme obscuration (tau_9.7>~3) suggesting buried nuclei. In general, we find that our sources are similar to local ULIRGs, but are an order of magnitude more luminous. It is not clear whether our z~2 ULIRGs are simply scaled-u
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