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Testing Atom and Neutron Neutrality with Atom Interferometry

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 نشر من قبل Asimina Arvanitaki
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose an atom-interferometry experiment based on the scalar Aharonov-Bohm effect which detects an atom charge at the 10^{-28}e level, and improves the current laboratory limits by 8 orders of magnitude. This setup independently probes neutron charges down to 10^{-28}e, 7 orders of magnitude below current bounds.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

200 - A. Duspayev , G. Raithel 2021
We propose a tractor atom interferometer (TAI) based on three-dimensional (3D) confinement and transport of split atomic wavefunction components in potential wells that follow programmed paths. The paths are programmed to split and recombine atomic w avefunctions at well-defined space-time points, guaranteeing closure of the interferometer. Uninterrupted 3D confinement of the interfering wavefunction components in the tractor wells eliminates coherence loss due to wavepacket dispersion. Using Crank-Nicolson simulation of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, we compute the quantum evolution of scalar and spinor wavefunctions in several TAI sample scenarios. The interferometric phases extracted from the wavefunctions allow us to quantify gravimeter sensitivity, for the TAI scenarios studied. We show that spinor-TAI supports matter-wave beam splitters that are more robust against non-adiabatic effects than their scalar-TAI counterparts. We confirm the validity of semiclassical path-integral phases taken along the programmed paths of the TAI. Aspects for future experimental realizations of TAI are discussed.
Interferometry with ultracold atoms promises the possibility of ultraprecise and ultrasensitive measurements in many fields of physics, and is the basis of our most precise atomic clocks. Key to a high sensitivity is the possibility to achieve long m easurement times and precise readout. Ultra cold atoms can be precisely manipulated at the quantum level, held for very long times in traps, and would therefore be an ideal setting for interferometry. In this paper we discuss how the non-linearities from atom-atom interactions on one hand allow to efficiently produce squeezed states for enhanced readout, but on the other hand result in phase diffusion which limits the phase accumulation time. We find that low dimensional geometries are favorable, with two-dimensional (2D) settings giving the smallest contribution of phase diffusion caused by atom-atom interactions. Even for time sequences generated by optimal control the achievable minimal detectable interaction energy $Delta E^{rm min}$ is on the order of 0.001 times the chemical potential of the BEC in the trap. From there we have to conclude that for more precise measurements with atom interferometers more sophisticated strategies, or turning off the interaction induced dephasing during the phase accumulation stage, will be necessary.
The light-pulse atom interferometry method is reviewed. Applications of the method to inertial navigation and tests of the Equivalence Principle are discussed.
We realize and model a Rydberg-state atom interferometer for measurement of phase and intensity of radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves. A phase reference is supplied to the atoms via a modulated laser beam, enabling atomic measurement of the R F waves phase without an external RF reference wave. The RF and optical fields give rise to closed interferometric loops within the atoms internal Hilbert space. In our experiment, we construct interferometric loops in the state space ${ 6P_{3/2}, 90S_{1/2}, 91S_{1/2}, 90P_{3/2} }$ of cesium and employ them to measure phase and intensity of a 5 GHz RF wave in a room-temperature vapor cell. Electromagnetically induced transparency on the $6S_{1/2}$ to $6P_{3/2}$ transition serves as an all-optical interferometer probe. The RF phase is measured over a range of $pi$, and a sensitivity of 2 mrad is achieved. RF phase and amplitude measurements at sub-millimeter optical spatial resolution are demonstrated.
Active interferometers are designed to enhance phase sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit by generating entanglement inside the interferometer. An atomic version of such a device can be constructed by means of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensa te with an $F=1$ groundstate manifold in which spin-changing collisions create entangled pairs of $m=pm1$ atoms. We use Bethe Ansatz techniques to find exact eigenstates and eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian that models such spin-changing collisions. Using these results, we express the interferometers phase sensitivity, Fisher information, and Hellinger distance in terms of the Bethe rapidities. By evaluating these expressions we study scaling properties and the interferometers performance under the full Hamiltonian that models the spin-changing collisions, i.e., without the idealising approximations of earlier works that force the model into the framework of SU(1,1) interferometry.
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