Suzaku Observation of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar CXOU J164710.2--455216

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Suzaku TOO observation of the anomalous X-ray pulsar CXOU J164710.2-455216 was performed on 2006 September 23--24 for a net exposure of 38.8 ks. During the observation, the XIS was operated in 1/8 window option to achieve a time resolution of 1 s. Pulsations are clearly detected in the XIS light curves with a barycenter corrected pulse period of 10.61063(2) s. The XIS pulse profile shows 3 peaks of different amplitudes with RMS fractional amplitude of ~11% in 0.2--6.0 keV energy band. Though the source was observed with the HXD of Suzaku, the data is highly contaminated by the nearby bright X-ray source GX 340+0 which was in the HXD field of view. The 1-10 keV XIS spectra are well fitted by two blackbody components. The temperatures of two blackbody components are found to be 0.61+/-0.01 keV and 1.22+/-0.06 keV and the value of the absorption column density is 1.73+/-0.03 x 10^{22} atoms cm^{-2}. The observed source flux in 1-10 keV energy range is calculated to be 2.6 x 10^{-11} ergs cm^{-2} s^{-1} with significant contribution from the soft blackbody component (kT = 0.61 keV). Pulse phase resolved spectroscopy of XIS data shows that the flux of the soft blackbody component consists of three narrow peaks, whereas the flux of the other component shows a single peak over the pulse period of the AXP. The blackbody radii changes between 2.2-2.7 km and 0.28-0.38 km (assuming the source distance to be 5 kpc) over pulse phases for the soft and hard components, respectively. The details of the results obtained from the timing and spectral analysis is presented.

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