Geometric cycles, index theory and twisted K-homology

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study twisted $Spin^c$-manifolds over a paracompact Hausdorff space $X$ with a twisting $alpha: X to K(ZZ, 3)$. We introduce the topological index and the analytical index on the bordism group of $alpha$-twisted $Spin^c$-manifolds over $(X, alpha)$, taking values in topological twisted K-homology and analytical twisted K-homology respectively. The main result of this paper is to establish the equality between the topological index and the analytical index. We also define a notion of geometric twisted K-homology, whose cycles are geometric cycles of $(X, a)$ analogous to Baum-Douglass geometric cycles. As an application of our twisted index theorem, we discuss the twisted longitudinal index theorem for a foliated manifold $(X, F)$ with a twisting $alpha: X to K(ZZ, 3)$, which generalizes the Connes-Skandalis index theorem for foliations and the Atiyah-Singer families index theorem to twisted cases.

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