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Modeling the Infrared Bow Shock at delta Velorum: Implications for Studies of Debris Disks and lambda Bootis Stars

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 نشر من قبل Andras Gaspar
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A. Gaspar

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We have discovered a bow shock shaped mid-infrared excess region in front of delta Velorum using 24 micron observations obtained with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS). The excess has been classified as a debris disk from previous infrared observations. Although the bow shock morphology was only detected in the 24 micron observations, its excess was also resolved at 70 micron. We show that the stellar heating of an ambient interstellar medium (ISM) cloud can produce the measured flux. Since delta Velorum was classified as a debris disk star previously, our discovery may call into question the same classification of other stars. We model the interaction of the star and ISM, producing images that show the same geometry and surface brightness as is observed. The modeled ISM is 15 times overdense relative to the average Local Bubble value, which is surprising considering the close proximity (24 pc) of delta Velorum. The abundance anomalies of lambda Bootis stars have been previously explained as arising from the same type of interaction of stars with the ISM. Low resolution optical spectra of delta Velorum show that it does not belong to this stellar class. The star therefore is an interesting testbed for the ISM accretion theory of the lambda Bootis phenomenon.

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Lambda Boo stars are predominately A-type stars with solar abundant C, N, O, and S, but up to 2 dex underabundances of refractory elements. The stars unusual surface abundances could be due to a selective accretion of volatile gas over dust. It has b een proposed that there is a correlation between the Lambda Boo phenomenon and IR-excesses which are the result of a debris disk or interstellar medium (ISM) interaction providing the accreting material. We observe 70 or 100 and 160 $mu$m excess emission around 9 confirmed Lambda Boo stars with the Herschel Space Observatory, to differentiate whether the dust emission is from a debris disk or an ISM bow wave. We find that 3/9 stars observed host well resolved debris disks. While the remaining 6/9 are not resolved, they are inconsistent with an ISM bow wave based on the dust emission being more compact for its temperature and predicted bow wave models produce hotter emission than what is observed. We find the incidence of bright IR-excesses around Lambda Boo stars is higher than normal A-stars. To explain this given our observations, we explore Poynting-Robertson (PR) drag as a mechanism of accretion from a debris disk but find it insufficient. As an alternative, we propose the correlation is due to higher dynamical activity in the disks currently underway. Large impacts of planetesimals or a higher influx of comets could provide enough volatile gas for accretion. Further study on the transport of circumstellar material in relation to the abundance anomalies are required to explain the phenomenon through external accretion.
Main sequence stars, like the Sun, are often found to be orbited by circumstellar material that can be categorized into two groups, planets and debris. The latter is made up of asteroids and comets, as well as the dust and gas derived from them, whic h makes debris disks observable in thermal emission or scattered light. These disks may persist over Gyrs through steady-state evolution and/or may also experience sporadic stirring and major collisional breakups, rendering them atypically bright for brief periods of time. Most interestingly, they provide direct evidence that the physical processes (whatever they may be) that act to build large oligarchs from micron-sized dust grains in protoplanetary disks have been successful in a given system, at least to the extent of building up a significant planetesimal population comparable to that seen in the Solar Systems asteroid and Kuiper belts. Such systems are prime candidates to host even larger planetary bodies as well. The recent growth in interest in debris disks has been driven by observational work that has provided statistics, resolved images, detection of gas in debris disks, and discoveries of new classes of objects. The interpretation of this vast and expanding dataset has necessitated significant advances in debris disk theory, notably in the physics of dust produced in collisional cascades and in the interaction of debris with planets. Application of this theory has led to the realization that such observations provide a powerful diagnostic that can be used not only to refine our understanding of debris disk physics, but also to challenge our understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve.
We aim to characterise the morphology and the physical parameters governing the shock physics of the Herbig-Haro object HH99B. We have obtained SINFONI-SPIFFI IFU spectroscopy between 1.10 and 2.45 um detecting more than 170 emission lines, Most of t hem come from ro-vibrational transitions of H_2 and [FeII]. All the brightest lines appear resolved in velocity. Intensity ratios of ionic lines have been compared with predictions of NLTE models to derive bi-dimensional maps of extinction and electron density, along with estimates of temperature, fractional ionisation and atomic hydrogen post-shock density. H_2 line intensities have been interpreted in the framework of Boltzmann diagrams, from which we have derived maps of extinction and temperature of the molecular gas. From the intensity maps of bright lines the kinematical properties of the shock(s) at work in the region have been delineated. Finally, from selected [FeII] lines, constraints on the spontaneous emission coefficients of the 1.257, 1.321 and 1.644 um lines are provided. The kinematical properties derived for the molecular gas substantially confirm those published in Davis et al.(1999), while new information (e.g. v_shock ~115 km s^-1 is provided for the shock component responsible for the ionic emission. We also provide an indirect measure of the H_2 breakdown speed (between 70 and 90 km s^-1) and compute the inclination angle with respect to the line of sight. The map parameters, along with images of the observed line intensities, will be used to put stringent constraints on up-to-date shock models.
89 - T. Amano , T. Katou , N. Kitamura 2020
The first-order Fermi acceleration of electrons requires an injection of electrons into a mildly relativistic energy range. However, the mechanism of injection has remained a puzzle both in theory and observation. We present direct evidence for a nov el stochastic shock drift acceleration theory for the injection obtained with Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) observations at Earths bow shock. The theoretical model can explain electron acceleration to mildly relativistic energies at high-speed astrophysical shocks, which may provide a solution to the long-standing issue of electron injection.
Solar wind plasma at the Earths orbit carries transient magnetic field structures including discontinuities. Their interaction with the Earths bow shock can significantly alter discontinuity configuration and stability. We investigate such an interac tion for the most widespread type of solar wind discontinuities - rotational discontinuities (RDs). We use a set of in situ multispacecraft observations and perform kinetic hybrid simulations. We focus on the RD current density amplification that may lead to magnetic reconnection. We show that the amplification can be as high as two orders of magnitude and is mainly governed by three processes: the transverse magnetic field compression, global thinning of RD, and interaction of RD with low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the magnetosheath, downstream of the bow shock. The first factor is found to substantially exceed simple hydrodynamic predictions in most observed cases, the second effect has a rather moderate impact, while the third causes strong oscillations of the current density. We show that the presence of accelerated particles in the bow shock precursor highly boosts the current density amplification, making the postshock magnetic reconnection more probable. The pool of accelerated particles strongly affects the interaction of RDs with the Earths bow shock, as it is demonstrated by observational data analysis and hybrid code simulations. Thus, shocks should be distinguished not by the inclination angle, but rather by the presence of foreshocks populated with shock reflected particles. Plasma processes in the RD-shock interaction affect magnetic structures and turbulence in the Earths magnetosphere and may have implications for the processes in astrophysics.
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