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Magnetic friction in Ising spin systems

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 نشر من قبل Dirk Kadau
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A new contribution to friction is predicted to occur in systems with magnetic correlations: Tangential relative motion of two Ising spin systems pumps energy into the magnetic degrees of freedom. This leads to a friction force proportional to the area of contact. The velocity and temperature dependence of this force are investigated. Magnetic friction is strongest near the critical temperature, below which the spin systems order spontaneously. Antiferromagnetic coupling leads to stronger friction than ferromagnetic coupling with the same exchange constant. The basic dissipation mechanism is explained. If the coupling of the spin system to the heat bath is weak, a surprising effect is observed in the ordered phase: The relative motion acts like a heat pump cooling the spins in the vicinity of the friction surface.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We analyze the ferromagnetic Ising model on a scale-free tree; the growing random network model with the linear attachment kernel $A_k=k+alpha$ introduced by [Krapivsky et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 85} (2000) 4629-4632]. We derive an estimate of the divergent temperature $T_s$ below which the zero-field susceptibility of the system diverges. Our result shows that $T_s$ is related to $alpha$ as $tanh(J/T_s)=alpha/[2(alpha+1)]$, where $J$ is the ferromagnetic interaction. An analysis of exactly solvable limit for the model and numerical calculation support the validity of this estimate.
The quantum tricriticality of d-dimensional transverse Ising-like systems is studied by means of a perturbative renormalization group approach focusing on static susceptibility. This allows us to obtain the phase diagram for 3<d<4, with a clear locat ion of the critical lines ending in the conventional quantum critical points and in the quantum tricritical one, and of the tricritical line for temperature T geq 0. We determine also the critical and the tricritical shift exponents close to the corresponding ground state instabilities. Remarkably, we find a tricritical shift exponent identical to that found in the conventional quantum criticality and, by approaching the quantum tricritical point increasing the non-thermal control parameter r, a crossover of the quantum critical shift exponents from the conventional value phi = 1/(d-1) to the new one phi = 1/2(d-1). Besides, the projection in the (r,T)-plane of the phase boundary ending in the quantum tricritical point and crossovers in the quantum tricritical region appear quite similar to those found close to an usual quantum critical point. Another feature of experimental interest is that the amplitude of the Wilsonian classical critical region around this peculiar critical line is sensibly smaller than that expected in the quantum critical scenario. This suggests that the quantum tricriticality is essentially governed by mean-field critical exponents, renormalized by the shift exponent phi = 1/2(d-1) in the quantum tricritical region.
Taking one-dimensional random transverse Ising model (RTIM) with the double-Gaussian disorder for example, we investigated the spin autocorrelation function (SAF) and associated spectral density at high temperature by the recursion method. Based on t he first twelve recurrants obtained analytically, we have found strong numerical evidence for the long-time tail in the SAF of a single spin. Numerical results indicate that when the standard deviation {sigma}_{JS} (or {sigma}_{BS}) of the exchange couplings J_{i} (or the random transverse fields B_{i}) is small, no long-time tail appears in the SAF. The spin system undergoes a crossover from a central-peak behavior to a collective-mode behavior, which is the dynamical characteristics of RTIM with the bimodal disorder. However, when the standard deviation is large enough, the system exhibits similar dynamics behaviors to those of the RTIM with the Gaussian disorder, i.e., the system exhibits an enhanced central-peak behavior for large {sigma}_{JS} or a disordered behavior for large {sigma}_{BS}. In this instance, the long-time tails in the SAFs appear, i.e., C(t)simt^{-2}. Similar properties are obtained when the random variables (J_{i} or B_{i}) satisfy other distributions such as the double-exponential distribution and the double-uniform distribution.
Ground states of the frustrated spin-1 Ising-Heisenberg two-leg ladder with Heisenberg intra-rung coupling and only Ising interaction along legs and diagonals are rigorously found by taking advantage of local conservation of the total spin on each ru ng. The constructed ground-state phase diagram of the frustrated spin-1 Ising-Heisenberg ladder is then compared with the analogous phase diagram of the fully quantum spin-1 Heisenberg two-leg ladder obtained by density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations. It is demonstrated that both investigated spin models exhibit quite similar magnetization scenarios, which involve intermediate plateaux at one-quarter, one-half and three-quarters of the saturation magnetization.
The contribution of sliding-induced, atomic-scale instabilities to the kinetic friction force is investigated by molecular dynamics. For this purpose, we derive a relationship between the kinetic friction force $F_{rm k}$ and the non-equilibrium velo city distribution $P(v)$ of the lubricant particles. $P(v)$ typically shows exponential tails, which cannot be described in terms of an effective temperature. It is investigated which parameters control the existence of instabilities and how they affect $P(v)$ and hence $F_{rm k}$. The effects of the interfaces dimensionality, lubricant coverage, and internal degrees of freedom of lubricant particles on $F_{rm k}$ are studied explicitly. Among other results we find that the kinetic friction between commensurate surfaces is much more susceptible to changes in $(i)$ lubricant coverage, $(ii)$ sliding velocity, and $(iii)$ bond length of lubricant molecules than incommensurate surfaces.
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