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Two-twistor Description of Membrane

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 نشر من قبل Jerzy Lukierski
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Sergey Fedoruk

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We describe D=4 twistorial membrane in terms of two twistorial three-dimensional world volume fields. We start with the D-dimensional p-brane generalizations of two phase space string formulations: the one with $p+1$ vectorial fourmomenta, and the second with tensorial momenta of $(p+1)$-th rank. Further we consider tensionful membrane case in D=4. By using the membrane generalization of Cartan-Penrose formula we express the fourmomenta by spinorial fields and obtain the intermediate spinor-space-time formulation. Further by expressing the worldvolume dreibein and the membrane space-time coordinate fields in terms of two twistor fields one obtains the purely twistorial formulation. It appears that the action is generated by a geometric three-form on two-twistor space. Finally we comment on higher-dimensional (D>4) twistorial p-brane models and their superextensions.

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121 - Nathan Berkovits 2014
After introducing a d=10 pure spinor $lambda^alpha$, the Virasoro constraint $partial x^m partial x_m =0$ can be replaced by the twistor-like constraint $partial x^m (gamma_m lambda)_alpha=0$. Quantizing this twistor-like constraint leads to the pure spinor formalism for the superstring where the fermionic superspace variables $theta^alpha$ and their conjugate momenta come from the ghosts and antighosts of the twistor-like constraint.
We consider a formulation of N=1 D=3,4 and 6 superparticle mechanics, which is manifestly supersymmetric on the worldline and in the target superspace. For the construction of the action we use only geometrical objects that characterize the embedding of the worldline superspace into the target superspace, such as target superspace coordinates of the superparticle and twistor components. The action does not contain the Lagrange multipliers which may cause the problem of infinite reducible symmetries, and, in fact, is a worldline superfield generalization of the supertwistor description of superparticle dynamics.
We describe the relation between supersymmetric sigma-models on hyperkahler manifolds, projective superspace, and twistor space. We review the essential aspects and present a coherent picture with a number of new results.
We construct massless infinite spin irreducible representations of the six-dimensional Poincar{e} group in the space of fields depending on twistor variables. It is shown that the massless infinite spin representation is realized on the two-twistor f ields. We present a full set of equations of motion for two-twistor fields represented by the totally symmetric $mathrm{SU}(2)$ rank $2s$ two-twistor spin-tensor and show that they carry massless infinite spin representations. A field twistor transform is constructed and infinite spin fields are found in the space-time formulation with an additional spinor coordinate.
There is evidence that one can compute tree level super Yang-Mills amplitudes using either connected or completely disconnected curves in twistor space. We argue that the two computations are equivalent, if the integration contours are chosen in a sp ecific way, by showing that they can both be reduced to the same integral over a moduli space of singular curves. We also formulate a class of new ``intermediate prescriptions to calculate the same amplitudes.
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