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On a Wilson lines approach to the study of jet quenching

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 نشر من قبل Igor O. Cherednikov
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We address the geometrical structure of the skewed correlator of two space-like separated (almost) oppositely directed Wilson lines. Similar objects occur in the analysis of the transverse-momentum broadening probability function, the first moment of which is associated with the jet quenching parameter. We start from the Euclidean space formulation and then transform the result to the Minkowski light-cone geometry, arguing that this procedure is consistent in the leading order of the perturbative expansion. We discuss as well the issues of the UV, rapidity and IR singularities, and possible use of the proposed approach in lattice simulations.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We compute the inclusive jet spectrum in the presence of a dense QCD medium by going beyond the single parton energy loss approximation. We show that higher-order corrections are important yielding large logarithmic contributions that must be resumme d to all orders. This reflects the fact that jet quenching is sensitive to fluctuations of the jet substructure.
Multiple interactions between parton showers and the surrounding QCD matter are expected to underlie the strong medium-modifications of jet observables in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC and at the LHC. Here, we note that such jet-med ium interactions alter generically and characteristically the color correlations in the parton shower. We characterize these effects in a color-differential calculation of the medium-induced gluon radiation spectrum to first and second order in opacity. By interfacing simple branching histories of medium-modified color flow with the Lund hadronization model, we analyze how the medium modification of color correlations can affect the distribution of hadronic fragments in jets. Importantly, we observe that jet-medium interactions give rise to the medium-induced color decoherence of gluons from the parton shower. Since hadronization respects color flow and since each color singlet in a parton shower is hadronized separately, this medium-induced color decoherence leaves characteristic signatures in the jet fragmentation pattern. In particular, it can contribute to the quenching of leading hadron spectra. Moreover, it can increase strongly the yield of soft hadronic fragments from a jet, while the distribution of more energetic hadrons follows naturally the shape of a vacuum-like fragmentation pattern of lower total energy.
135 - Wenbin Zhao , Weiyao Ke , Wei Chen 2021
Hydrodynamics and jet quenching are responsible for the elliptic flow $v_2$ at low transverse momentum $p_T$ and hadron suppression and $v_2$ at high $p_T$, respectively, in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. A consistent description of the hadron sup pression factor $R_{AA}$ and $v_2$, especially at intermediate $p_T$, however, remains a challenge. We solve this long-standing $R_{AA}otimes v_2$ puzzle by describing hadron production from low to intermediate and high $p_T$ within the coupled linear Boltzmann transport-hydro model that combines concurrent jet transport and medium hydro evolution with quark coalescence in the hadronization and hadron casacde in the final evolution of the system. We illustrate that quark coalescence and hadron cascade are the keys to solving the puzzle. They also lead to a splitting of $v_2$ for pions, kaons and protons in the intermediate $p_T$ region. We demonstrate for the first time that experimental data on $R_{AA}$, $v_2$ and their hadron flavor dependence from low to intermediate and high $p_T$ in high-energy heavy-ion collisions can be understood within this coupled framework.
We present a conceptually new framework for describing jet evolution in the dense medium produced in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions using perturbative QCD and its implementation into the Monte Carlo event generator JEWEL. The rescatter ing of hard partons in the medium is modelled by infrared continued pQCD matrix elements supplemented with parton showers. The latter approximate higher order real-emission matrix elements and thus generate medium-induced gluon emissions. The interplay between different emissions is governed by their formation times. The destructive interference between subsequent scattering processes, the non-Abelian version of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect, is also taken into account. In this way the complete radiation pattern is consistently treated in a uniform way. Results obtained within this minimal and theoretically well constrained framework are compared with a variety of experimental data susceptible to jet-quenching effects at both RHIC and the LHC. Overall, a good agreement between data and simulation is found. This new framework also allows to identify and quantify the dominant uncertainties in the simulation, and we show some relevant examples for this.
At high energies particles move very fast so the proper degrees of freedom for the fast gluons moving along the straight lines are Wilson-line operators - infinite gauge factors ordered along the line. In the framework of operator expansion in Wilson lines the energy dependence of the amplitudes is determined by the rapidity evolution of Wilson lines. We present the next-to-leading order hierarchy of the evolution equations for Wilson-line operators.
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