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Baryon Content in a Sample of 91 Galaxy Clusters Selected by the South Pole Telescope at 0.2 < z < 1.25

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 Added by I-Non Tim Chiu
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We estimate total mass ($M_{500}$), intracluster medium (ICM) mass ($M_{mathrm{ICM}}$) and stellar mass ($M_{star}$) in a Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) selected sample of 91 galaxy clusters with masses $M_{500}gtrsim2.5times10^{14}M_{odot}$ and redshift $0.2 < z < 1.25$ from the 2500 deg$^2$ South Pole Telescope SPT-SZ survey. The total masses $M_{500}$ are estimated from the SZE observable, the ICM masses $M_{mathrm{ICM}}$ are obtained from the analysis of $Chandra$ X-ray observations, and the stellar masses $M_{star}$ are derived by fitting spectral energy distribution templates to Dark Energy Survey (DES) $griz$ optical photometry and $WISE$ or $Spitzer$ near-infrared photometry. We study trends in the stellar mass, the ICM mass, the total baryonic mass and the cold baryonic fraction with cluster mass and redshift. We find significant departures from self-similarity in the mass scaling for all quantities, while the redshift trends are all statistically consistent with zero, indicating that the baryon content of clusters at fixed mass has changed remarkably little over the past $approx9$ Gyr. We compare our results to the mean baryon fraction (and the stellar mass fraction) in the field, finding that these values lie above (below) those in cluster virial regions in all but the most massive clusters at low redshift. Using a simple model of the matter assembly of clusters from infalling groups with lower masses and from infalling material from the low density environment or field surrounding the parent halos, we show that the measured mass trends without strong redshift trends in the stellar mass scaling relation could be explained by a mass and redshift dependent fractional contribution from field material. Similar analyses of the ICM and baryon mass scaling relations provide evidence for the so-called missing baryons outside cluster virial regions.

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The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is currently surveying 2500 deg^2 of the southern sky to detect massive galaxy clusters out to the epoch of their formation using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect. This paper presents a catalog of the 26 most significant SZ cluster detections in the full survey region. The catalog includes 14 clusters which have been previously identified and 12 that are new discoveries. These clusters were identified in fields observed to two differing noise depths: 1500 deg^2 at the final SPT survey depth of 18 uK-arcmin at 150 GHz, and 1000 deg^2 at a depth of 54 uK-arcmin. Clusters were selected on the basis of their SZ signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in SPT maps, a quantity which has been demonstrated to correlate tightly with cluster mass. The S/N thresholds were chosen to achieve a comparable mass selection across survey fields of both depths. Cluster redshifts were obtained with optical and infrared imaging and spectroscopy from a variety of ground- and space-based facilities. The redshifts range from 0.098 leq z leq 1.132 with a median of z_med = 0.40. The measured SZ S/N and redshifts lead to unbiased mass estimates ranging from 9.8 times 10^14 M_sun/h_70 leq M_200(rho_mean) leq 3.1 times 10^15 M_sun/h_70. Based on the SZ mass estimates, we find that none of the clusters are individually in significant tension with the LambdaCDM cosmological model. We also test for evidence of non-Gaussianity based on the cluster sample and find the data show no preference for non-Gaussian perturbations.
The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10 meter telescope operating at mm wavelengths. It has recently completed a three-band survey covering 2500 sq. degrees. One of the surveys main goals is to detect galaxy clusters using Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and use these clusters for a variety of cosmological and astrophysical studies such as the dark energy equation of state, the primordial non-gaussianity and the evolution of galaxy populations. Since 2005, we have been engaged in a comprehensive optical and near-infrared followup program (at wavelengths between 0.4 and 5 {mu}m) to image high-significance SPT clusters, to measure their photometric redshifts, and to estimate the contamination rate of the candidate lists. These clusters are then used for various cosmological and astrophysical studies.
We present a detection-significance-limited catalog of 21 Sunyaev-Zeldovich selected galaxy clusters. These clusters, along with 1 unconfirmed candidate, were identified in 178 deg^2 of sky surveyed in 2008 by the South Pole Telescope to a depth of 18 uK-arcmin at 150 GHz. Optical imaging from the Blanco Cosmology Survey (BCS) and Magellan telescopes provided photometric (and in some cases spectroscopic) redshift estimates, with catalog redshifts ranging from z=0.15 to z>1, with a median z = 0.74. Of the 21 confirmed galaxy clusters, three were previously identified as Abell clusters, three were presented as SPT discoveries in Staniszewski et al, 2009, and three were first identified in a recent analysis of BCS data by Menanteau et al, 2010; the remaining 12 clusters are presented for the first time in this work. Simulated observations of the SPT fields predict the sample to be nearly 100% complete above a mass threshold of M_200 ~ 5x10^14 M_sun/h at z = 0.6. This completeness threshold pushes to lower mass with increasing redshift, dropping to ~4x10^14 M_sun/h at z=1. The size and redshift distribution of this catalog are in good agreement with expectations based on our current understanding of galaxy clusters and cosmology. In combination with other cosmological probes, we use the cluster catalog to improve estimates of cosmological parameters. Assuming a standard spatially flat wCDM cosmological model, the addition of our catalog to the WMAP 7-year analysis yields sigma_8 = 0.81 +- 0.09 and w = -1.07 +- 0.29, a ~50% improvement in precision on both parameters over WMAP7 alone.
176 - Yen-Ting Lin 2011
We study the relationship between two major baryonic components in galaxy clusters, namely the stars in galaxies, and the ionized gas in the intracluster medium (ICM), using 94 clusters that span the redshift range 0-0.6. Accurately measured total and ICM masses from Chandra observations, and stellar masses derived from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey allow us to trace the evolution of cluster baryon content in a self-consistent fashion. We find that, within r_{500}, the evolution of the ICM mass--total mass relation is consistent with the expectation of self-similar model, while there is no evidence for redshift evolution in the stellar mass--total mass relation. This suggests that the stellar mass and ICM mass in the inner parts of clusters evolve differently.
256 - I. Chiu , J. Mohr , M. Mcdonald 2014
We study the stellar, Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) and intracluster medium (ICM) masses of 14 South Pole Telescope (SPT) selected galaxy clusters with median redshift $z=0.9$ and median mass $M_{500}=6times10^{14}M_{odot}$. We estimate stellar masses for each cluster and BCG using six photometric bands spanning the range from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared observed with the VLT, HST and Spitzer. The ICM masses are derived from Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations, and the virial masses are derived from the SPT Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect signature. At $z=0.9$ the BCG mass $M_{star}^{textrm{BCG}}$ constitutes $0.12pm0.01$% of the halo mass for a $6times10^{14}M_{odot}$ cluster, and this fraction falls as $M_{500}^{-0.58pm0.07}$. The cluster stellar mass function has a characteristic mass $M_{0}=10^{11.0pm0.1}M_{odot}$, and the number of galaxies per unit mass in clusters is larger than in the field by a factor $1.65pm0.2$. Both results are consistent with measurements on group scales and at lower redshift. We combine our SPT sample with previously published samples at low redshift that we correct to a common initial mass function and for systematic differences in virial masses. We then explore mass and redshift trends in the stellar fraction (fstar), the ICM fraction (fICM), the cold baryon fraction (fc) and the baryon fraction (fb). At a pivot mass of $6times10^{14}M_{odot}$ and redshift $z=0.9$, the characteristic values are fstar=$1.1pm0.1$%, fICM=$9.6pm0.5$%, fc=$10.4pm1.2$% and fb=$10.7pm0.6$%. These fractions all vary with cluster mass at high significance, indicating that higher mass clusters have lower fstar and fc and higher fICM and fb. When accounting for a 15% systematic virial mass uncertainty, there is no statistically significant redshift trend at fixed mass in these baryon fractions. (abridged)
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