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تناول هذا البحث دور التطور التكنولوجي في التوجّه الإبداعي للمنظمة، حيث تطرح مشكلة البحث تساؤلاً حول مدى تأثير مستوى التطوّر التكنولوجي للمنظمات الصناعية العاملة في السّاحل السّوري في التوجه الإبداعي لديها، و قد تركزت أهداف البحث على تحديد العلاقة بين درجة التطور التكنولوجي ممثلاً ب (مستوى البحث و التطوير التكنولوجي – مستوى الشبكات – مستوى الاتصال) و التوجّه الإبداعي للمنظمات ممثلاً ب (النية بالإبداع – البنية التحتية للإبداع – تنفيذ الإبداع) في منظمات الأعمال الصناعية العاملة في الساحل السوري.
The objective of this study is to determine the role of marketing knowledge in achieving creativity direction at the General Company for Bottling Water (Boukein). This was done by using the descriptive statistical method. A questionnaire was designed with a set of questions related to the studied research variables that were directed to a sample of employees in the studied company. Then, the data was analyzed using the SPSS program. Finally, the study concluded a set of important results, including: - There is a statistically significant effect of the marketing information system on the creative approach at General Company for Bottling Water (Boukein). - There is a significant impact of the management of marketing knowledge on the creative approach at the General Company for Bottling Water (Boukein). - There is a statistically significant impact of customer involvement to create knowledge on the creative approach at the General Company for Bottling Water (Boukein). The researcher also presented a set of suggestions and recommendations that are expected to help the company's employees develop the ways of working at the company. So, the company can have a leading creative center by establishing its marketing efficiency in the Syrian market.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا