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152 - V.N. Tolstoy 2017
We discussed quantum deformations of D=4 Lorentz and Poincare algebras. In the case of Poincare algebra it is shown that almost all classical r-matrices of S. Zakrzewski classification correspond to twisted deformations of Abelian and Jordanian types . A part of twists corresponding to the r-matrices of Zakrzewski classification are given in explicit form.
146 - V.N. Tolstoy 2007
We discussed twisted quantum deformations of D=4 Lorentz and Poincare algebras. In the case of Poincare algebra it is shown that almost all classical r-matrices of S.Zakrzewski classification can be presented as a sum of subordinated r-matrices of Ab elian and Jordanian types. Corresponding twists describing quantum deformations are obtained in explicit form. This work is an extended version of the paper url{arXiv:0704.0081v1 [math.QA]}.
129 - V.N. Tolstoy 2007
We discuss quantum deformations of Jordanian type for Lie superalgebras. These deformations are described by twisting functions with support from Borel subalgebras and they are multiparameter in the general case. The total twists are presented in exp licit form for the Lie superalgebras sl(m|n) and osp(1|2n). We show also that the classical $r$-matrix for a light-cone deformation of D=4 super-Poincare algebra is of Jordanian type and a corresponding twist is given in explicit form.
42 - V.N. Tolstoy 2004
A brief review of the extremal projector method for Lie symmetries (Lie algebras and superalgebras as well as their quantum analogs) is given. A history of its discovery and some simplest applications are presented.

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