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Pool-based sampling in active learning (AL) represents a key framework for an-notating informative data when dealing with deep learning models. In this paper, we present a novel pipeline for pool-based Active Learning. Unlike most previous works, our method exploits accessible unlabelled examples during training to estimate their co-relation with the labelled examples. Another contribution of this paper is to adapt Visual Transformer as a sampler in the AL pipeline. Visual Transformer models non-local visual concept dependency between labelled and unlabelled examples, which is crucial to identifying the influencing unlabelled examples. Also, compared to existing methods where the learner and the sampler are trained in a multi-stage manner, we propose to train them in a task-aware jointly manner which enables transforming the latent space into two separate tasks: one that classifies the labelled examples; the other that distinguishes the labelling direction. We evaluated our work on four different challenging benchmarks of classification and detection tasks viz. CIFAR10, CIFAR100,FashionMNIST, RaFD, and Pascal VOC 2007. Our extensive empirical and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the superiority of our method compared to the existing methods. Code available: https://github.com/razvancaramalau/Visual-Transformer-for-Task-aware-Active-Learning
3D morphable models are widely used for the shape representation of an object class in computer vision and graphics applications. In this work, we focus on deep 3D morphable models that directly apply deep learning on 3D mesh data with a hierarchical structure to capture information at multiple scales. While great efforts have been made to design the convolution operator, how to best aggregate vertex features across hierarchical levels deserves further attention. In contrast to resorting to mesh decimation, we propose an attention based module to learn mapping matrices for better feature aggregation across hierarchical levels. Specifically, the mapping matrices are generated by a compatibility function of the keys and queries. The keys and queries are trainable variables, learned by optimizing the target objective, and shared by all data samples of the same object class. Our proposed module can be used as a train-only drop-in replacement for the feature aggregation in existing architectures for both downsampling and upsampling. Our experiments show that through the end-to-end training of the mapping matrices, we achieve state-of-the-art results on a variety of 3D shape datasets in comparison to existing morphable models.
Deep Imitation Learning requires a large number of expert demonstrations, which are not always easy to obtain, especially for complex tasks. A way to overcome this shortage of labels is through data augmentation. However, this cannot be easily applie d to control tasks due to the sequential nature of the problem. In this work, we introduce a novel augmentation method which preserves the success of the augmented trajectories. To achieve this, we introduce a semi-supervised correction network that aims to correct distorted expert actions. To adequately test the abilities of the correction network, we develop an adversarial data augmented imitation architecture to train an imitation agent using synthetic experts. Additionally, we introduce a metric to measure diversity in trajectory datasets. Experiments show that our data augmentation strategy can improve accuracy and convergence time of adversarial imitation while preserving the diversity between the generated and real trajectories.
We propose a Bayesian approximation to a deep learning architecture for 3D hand pose estimation. Through this framework, we explore and analyse the two types of uncertainties that are influenced either by data or by the learning capability. Furthermo re, we draw comparisons against the standard estimator over three popular benchmarks. The first contribution lies in outperforming the baseline while in the second part we address the active learning application. We also show that with a newly proposed acquisition function, our Bayesian 3D hand pose estimator obtains lowest errors with the least amount of data. The underlying code is publicly available at https://github.com/razvancaramalau/al_bhpe.
Manipulating facial expressions is a challenging task due to fine-grained shape changes produced by facial muscles and the lack of input-output pairs for supervised learning. Unlike previous methods using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), which rely on cycle-consistency loss or sparse geometry (landmarks) loss for expression synthesis, we propose a novel GAN framework to exploit 3D dense (depth and surface normals) information for expression manipulation. However, a large-scale dataset containing RGB images with expression annotations and their corresponding depth maps is not available. To this end, we propose to use an off-the-shelf state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction model to estimate the depth and create a large-scale RGB-Depth dataset after a manual data clean-up process. We utilise this dataset to minimise the novel depth consistency loss via adversarial learning (note we do not have ground truth depth maps for generated face images) and the depth categorical loss of synthetic data on the discriminator. In addition, to improve the generalisation and lower the bias of the depth parameters, we propose to use a novel confidence regulariser on the discriminator side of the framework. We extensively performed both quantitative and qualitative evaluations on two publicly available challenging facial expression benchmarks: AffectNet and RaFD. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the competitive baseline and existing arts by a large margin.
Dexterous manipulation of objects in virtual environments with our bare hands, by using only a depth sensor and a state-of-the-art 3D hand pose estimator (HPE), is challenging. While virtual environments are ruled by physics, e.g. object weights and surface frictions, the absence of force feedback makes the task challenging, as even slight inaccuracies on finger tips or contact points from HPE may make the interactions fail. Prior arts simply generate contact forces in the direction of the fingers closures, when finger joints penetrate virtual objects. Although useful for simple grasping scenarios, they cannot be applied to dexterous manipulations such as in-hand manipulation. Existing reinforcement learning (RL) and imitation learning (IL) approaches train agents that learn skills by using task-specific rewards, without considering any online user input. In this work, we propose to learn a model that maps noisy input hand poses to target virtual poses, which introduces the needed contacts to accomplish the tasks on a physics simulator. The agent is trained in a residual setting by using a model-free hybrid RL+IL approach. A 3D hand pose estimation reward is introduced leading to an improvement on HPE accuracy when the physics-guided corrected target poses are remapped to the input space. As the model corrects HPE errors by applying minor but crucial joint displacements for contacts, this helps to keep the generated motion visually close to the user input. Since HPE sequences performing successful virtual interactions do not exist, a data generation scheme to train and evaluate the system is proposed. We test our framework in two applications that use hand pose estimates for dexterous manipulations: hand-object interactions in VR and hand-object motion reconstruction in-the-wild.
We propose a novel pool-based Active Learning framework constructed on a sequential Graph Convolution Network (GCN). Each images feature from a pool of data represents a node in the graph and the edges encode their similarities. With a small number o f randomly sampled images as seed labelled examples, we learn the parameters of the graph to distinguish labelled vs unlabelled nodes by minimising the binary cross-entropy loss. GCN performs message-passing operations between the nodes, and hence, induces similar representations of the strongly associated nodes. We exploit these characteristics of GCN to select the unlabelled examples which are sufficiently different from labelled ones. To this end, we utilise the graph node embeddings and their confidence scores and adapt sampling techniques such as CoreSet and uncertainty-based methods to query the nodes. We flip the label of newly queried nodes from unlabelled to labelled, re-train the learner to optimise the downstream task and the graph to minimise its modified objective. We continue this process within a fixed budget. We evaluate our method on 6 different benchmarks:4 real image classification, 1 depth-based hand pose estimation and 1 synthetic RGB image classification datasets. Our method outperforms several competitive baselines such as VAAL, Learning Loss, CoreSet and attains the new state-of-the-art performance on multiple applications The implementations can be found here: https://github.com/razvancaramalau/Sequential-GCN-for-Active-Learning
Designing task-oriented dialogue systems is a challenging research topic, since it needs not only to generate utterances fulfilling user requests but also to guarantee the comprehensibility. Many previous works trained end-to-end (E2E) models with su pervised learning (SL), however, the bias in annotated system utterances remains as a bottleneck. Reinforcement learning (RL) deals with the problem through using non-differentiable evaluation metrics (e.g., the success rate) as rewards. Nonetheless, existing works with RL showed that the comprehensibility of generated system utterances could be corrupted when improving the performance on fulfilling user requests. In our work, we (1) propose modelling the hierarchical structure between dialogue policy and natural language generator (NLG) with the option framework, called HDNO, where the latent dialogue act is applied to avoid designing specific dialogue act representations; (2) train HDNO via hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL), as well as suggest the asynchronous updates between dialogue policy and NLG during training to theoretically guarantee their convergence to a local maximizer; and (3) propose using a discriminator modelled with language models as an additional reward to further improve the comprehensibility. We test HDNO on MultiWoz 2.0 and MultiWoz 2.1, the datasets on multi-domain dialogues, in comparison with word-level E2E model trained with RL, LaRL and HDSA, showing improvements on the performance evaluated by automatic evaluation metrics and human evaluation. Finally, we demonstrate the semantic meanings of latent dialogue acts to show the explanability for HDNO.
Endoscopy is a widely used imaging modality to diagnose and treat diseases in hollow organs as for example the gastrointestinal tract, the kidney and the liver. However, due to varied modalities and use of different imaging protocols at various clini cal centers impose significant challenges when generalising deep learning models. Moreover, the assembly of large datasets from different clinical centers can introduce a huge label bias that renders any learnt model unusable. Also, when using new modality or presence of images with rare patterns, a bulk amount of similar image data and their corresponding labels are required for training these models. In this work, we propose to use a few-shot learning approach that requires less training data and can be used to predict label classes of test samples from an unseen dataset. We propose a novel additive angular margin metric in the framework of prototypical network in few-shot learning setting. We compare our approach to the several established methods on a large cohort of multi-center, multi-organ, and multi-modal endoscopy data. The proposed algorithm outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.
In this work, we present a modified fuzzy decision forest for real-time 3D object pose estimation based on typical template representation. We employ an extra preemptive background rejector node in the decision forest framework to terminate the exami nation of background locations as early as possible, result in a significantly improvement on efficiency. Our approach is also scalable to large dataset since the tree structure naturally provides a logarithm time complexity to the number of objects. Finally we further reduce the validation stage with a fast breadth-first scheme. The results show that our approach outperform the state-of-the-arts on the efficiency while maintaining a comparable accuracy.

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