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Problems for evaluation and impact of published scientific works and their authors are discussed. The role of citations in this process is pointed out. Different bibliometric indicators are reviewed in this connection and ways for generation of new b ibliometric indices are given. The influence of different circumstances, like self-citations, number of authors, time dependence and publication types, on the evaluation and impact of scientific papers are considered. The repercussion of works citations and their content is investigated in this respect. Attention is paid also on implicit citations which are not covered by the modern bibliometrics but often are reflected in the peer reviews. Some aspects of the Web analogues of citations and new possibilities of the Internet resources in evaluating authors achievements are presented.
In this paper we show that the simple analysis of the local geomagnetic field behaviour can serve as reliable imminent precursor for regional seismic activity increasing. As the first step the problem was investigated using one- component Dubna fluxg ate magnetometer. The result of 2001-2004 Sofia monitoring confirmed many old papers for connection between Earth tide (Sun- Moon tides as earthquakes trigger) and jump (Geomagnetic quake) of daily averaged one minute standart deviation of the geomagnetic field. The second step (2004-present), which included analisys of three-component Danish fluxgate magnetometer data, worked in Skopje Seismological observatory, confirmed the first step result. The analysis of INTERMAGNET data stations around which was happened stronger earthquakes also confirmed our result. The distribution of time difference between the times of such earthquakes and local daily averaged tide vector movement for impending tide extreme confirms our estimate that the increasing seismicity is realized in time window about +/- 2.7 days. The Complex program for researching the possibility for when, where and how earthquakes prediction is proposed as well as the short description of FORTRAN codes for analysis of earthquakes, geomagnetic and tide data, their correlations and visualization.
The paper recalls and point to the origin of the transformation laws of the components of classical and quantum fields. They are considered from the standard and fibre bundle point of view. The results are applied to the derivation of the Heisenberg relations in quite general setting, in particular, in the fibre bundle approach. All conclusions are illustrated in a case of transformations induced by the Poincare group.
The paper contains a differential-geometric foundations for an attempt to formulate Lagrangian (canonical) quantum field theory on fibre bundles. In it the standard Hilbert space of quantum field theory is replace with a Hilbert bundle; the former pl aying a role of a (typical) fibre of the letter one. Suitable sections of that bundle replace the ordinary state vectors and the operators on the systems Hilbert space are transformed into morphisms of the same bundle. In particular, the field operators are mapped into corresponding field morphisms.
We consider several ways of how one could classify the various types of soliton solutions related to nonlinear evolution equations which are solvable by the inverse scattering method. In doing so we make use of the fundamental analytic solutions, the dressing procedure, the reduction technique and other tools characteristic for that method.
Possible (algebraic) commutation relations in the Lagrangian quantum theory of free (scalar, spinor and vector) fields are considered from mathematical view-point. As sources of these relations are employed the Heisenberg equations/relations for the dynamical variables and a specific condition for uniqueness of the operators of the dynamical variables (with respect to some class of Lagrangians). The paracommutation relations or some their generalizations are pointed as the most general ones that entail the validity of all Heisenberg equations. The simultaneous fulfillment of the Heisenberg equations and the uniqueness requirement turn to be impossible. This problem is solved via a redefinition of the dynamical variables, similar to the normal ordering procedure and containing it as a special case. That implies corresponding changes in the admissible commutation relations. The introduction of the concept of the vacuum makes narrow the class of the possible commutation relations; in particular, the mentioned redefinition of the dynamical variables is reduced to normal ordering. As a last restriction on that class is imposed the requirement for existing of an effective procedure for calculating vacuum mean values. The standard bilinear commutation relations are pointed as the only known ones that satisfy all of the mentioned conditions and do not contradict to the existing data.
We report here the existence of Ermanno-Bernoulli type invariants for the Manev model dynamics which may be viewed upon as remnants of Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector whose conservation is characteristic of the Kepler model. If the orbits are bounded these invariants exist only when a certain rationality condition is met and thus we have superintegrability only on a subset of initial values. We analyze real form dynamics of the Manev model and derive that it is always superintegrable. We also discuss the symmetry algebras of the Manev model and its real Hamiltonian form.
The imminent WHEN earthquake predictions are based on the correlation between geomagnetic quakes and the incoming minimum (or maximum) of tidal gravitational potential. The probability time window for the incoming earthquake is for the tidal minimum approximately one day and for the maximum- two days. The statistic evidence for reliability is based on of distributions of the time difference between occurred and predicted earthquakes for the period 2002- 2005 for Sofia region and 2004- 2005 for Skopje. The project for complex Balkan- Black Sea region NETWORK for earthquake prediction by using the reliable precursors will be proposed in near future. The Project is based on the temporary data acquisition system for preliminary archiving, testing, visualizing and analyzing of the data with aim to prepare regional daily risk estimation.
We introduce the notion of a real form of a Hamiltonian dynamical system in analogy with the notion of real forms for simple Lie algebras. This is done by restricting the complexified initial dynamical system to the fixed point set of a given involut ion. The resulting subspace is isomorphic (but not symplectomorphic) to the initial phase space. Thus to each real Hamiltonian system we are able to associate another nonequivalent (real) ones. A crucial role in this construction is played by the assumed analyticity and the invariance of the Hamiltonian under the involution. We show that if the initial system is Liouville integrable, then its complexification and its real forms will be integrable again and this provides a method of finding new integrable systems starting from known ones. We demonstrate our construction by finding real forms of dynamics for the Toda chain and a family of Calogero--Moser models. For these models we also show that the involution of the complexified phase space induces a Cartan-like involution of their Lax representations.

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