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Astrocytes play a central role in inducing concerted phase synchronized neural-wave patterns inside the brain. In this article, we demonstrate that injected radio-frequency signal in underlying heavy metal layer of spin-orbit torque oscillator neuron s mimic the neuron phase synchronization effect realized by glial cells. Potential application of such phase coupling effects is illustrated in the context of a temporal binding problem. We also present the design of a coupled neuron-synapse-astrocyte network enabled by compact neuromimetic devices by combining the concepts of local spike-timing dependent plasticity and astrocyte induced neural phase synchrony.
Emulating various facets of computing principles of the brain can potentially lead to the development of neuro-computers that are able to exhibit brain-like cognitive capabilities. In this letter, we propose a magnetoelectronic neuron that utilizes n oise as a computing resource and is able to encode information over time through the independent control of external voltage signals. We extensively characterize the device operation using simulations and demonstrate its suitability for neuromorphic computing platforms performing temporal information encoding.
Uncertainty plays a key role in real-time machine learning. As a significant shift from standard deep networks, which does not consider any uncertainty formulation during its training or inference, Bayesian deep networks are being currently investiga ted where the network is envisaged as an ensemble of plausible models learnt by the Bayes formulation in response to uncertainties in sensory data. Bayesian deep networks consider each synaptic weight as a sample drawn from a probability distribution with learnt mean and variance. This paper elaborates on a hardware design that exploits cycle-to-cycle variability of oxide based Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMs) as a means to realize such a probabilistic sampling function, instead of viewing it as a disadvantage.
Probabilistic machine learning enabled by the Bayesian formulation has recently gained significant attention in the domain of automated reasoning and decision-making. While impressive strides have been made recently to scale up the performance of dee p Bayesian neural networks, they have been primarily standalone software efforts without any regard to the underlying hardware implementation. In this paper, we propose an All-Spin Bayesian Neural Network where the underlying spintronic hardware provides a better match to the Bayesian computing models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exploration of a Bayesian neural hardware accelerator enabled by emerging post-CMOS technologies. We develop an experimentally calibrated device-circuit-algorithm co-simulation framework and demonstrate $24times$ reduction in energy consumption against an iso-network CMOS baseline implementation.

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