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Here we study the pattern of neutrino oscillations emerging from a previously proposed warped model construction incorporating $Delta(27)$ flavor symmetry. In addition to a complete description of fermion masses, the model predicts the lepton mixing matrix in terms of two parameters. The good measurement of $theta_{13}$ makes these two parameters nearly proportional, leading to an approximate one-parameter description of neutrino oscillations. There is a sharp fourfold degenerate correlation between $delta_{CP}$ and the atmospheric mixing angle $theta_{23}$, so that maximal $theta_{23}$ also implies maximal leptonic CP violation. The predicted electron neutrino and anti-neutrino appearance probabilities indicate that the model should be tested at the T2K, NO$ u$A and DUNE long baseline oscillation experiments.
If neutrinos get mass via the seesaw mechanism the mixing matrix describing neutrino oscillations can be effectively non-unitary. We show that in this case the neutrino appearance probabilities involve a new CP phase, phi, associated to non-unitarity . This leads to an ambiguity in extracting the standard three--neutrino phase delta_CP, which can survive even after neutrino and antineutrino channels are combined. Its existence should be taken into account in the planning of any oscillation experiment aiming at a robust measurement of delta_CP.
The historical discovery of neutrino oscillations using solar and atmospheric neutrinos, and subsequent accelerator and reactor studies, has brought neutrino physics to the precision era. We note that CP effects in oscillation phenomena could be diff icult to extract in the presence of unitarity violation. As a result upcoming dedicated leptonic CP violation studies should take into account the non-unitarity of the lepton mixing matrix. Restricting non-unitarity will shed light on the seesaw scale, and thereby guide us towards the new physics responsible for neutrino mass generation.
Advantages of the original symmetrical form of the parametrization of the lepton mixing matrix are discussed. It provides a conceptually more transparent description of neutrino oscillations and lepton number violating processes like neutrinoless dou ble beta decay, clarifying the significance of Dirac and Majorana phases. It is also ideal for parametrizing scenarios with light sterile neutrinos.
Solar and KamLAND data are in slight tension when interpreted in the standard two-flavor oscillations framework and this may be alleviated allowing for a non-zero value of the mixing angle theta_13. Here we show that, likewise, non-standard flavor-ch anging interactions (FCI), possibly intervening in the propagation of solar neutrinos, are equally able to alleviate this tension and therefore constitute a potential source of confusion in the determination of theta_13. By performing a full three-flavor analysis of solar and KamLAND data in presence of FCI we provide a quantitative description of the degeneracy existing between theta_13 and the vectorial coupling eps_etau^dV characterizing the non-standard transitions between nu_e and nu_tau in the forward scattering process with d-type quarks. We find that couplings with magnitude eps_etau^dV ~ 10%, compatible with the existing bounds, can mimic the non-zero values of theta_13 indicated by the latest analyses.
We analyze the possibility of probing non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI, for short) through the detection of neutrinos produced in a future galactic supernova (SN).We consider the effect of NSI on the neutrino propagation through the SN envelop e within a three-neutrino framework, paying special attention to the inclusion of NSI-induced resonant
We consider a generalized model of seismic-wave propagation that takes into account the effect of a central magnetic field in the Sun. We determine the g-mode spectrum in the perturbative magnetic field limit using a one-dimensional Magneto-Hydrodyna mics (MHD) picture. We show that central magnetic fields of about 600-800 kG can displace the pure g-mode frequencies by about 1%, as hinted by the helioseismic interpretation of GOLF observations.

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