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Sparse Neural Networks (NNs) can match the generalization of dense NNs using a fraction of the compute/storage for inference, and also have the potential to enable efficient training. However, naively training unstructured sparse NNs from random init ialization results in significantly worse generalization, with the notable exception of Lottery Tickets (LTs) and Dynamic Sparse Training (DST). In this work, we attempt to answer: (1) why training unstructured sparse networks from random initialization performs poorly and; (2) what makes LTs and DST the exceptions? We show that sparse NNs have poor gradient flow at initialization and propose a modified initialization for unstructured connectivity. Furthermore, we find that DST methods significantly improve gradient flow during training over traditional sparse training methods. Finally, we show that LTs do not improve gradient flow, rather their success lies in re-learning the pruning solution they are derived from - however, this comes at the cost of learning novel solutions.
We propose a novel efficient and lightweight model for human pose estimation from a single image. Our model is designed to achieve competitive results at a fraction of the number of parameters and computational cost of various state-of-the-art method s. To this end, we explicitly incorporate part-based structural and geometric priors in a hierarchical prediction framework. At the coarsest resolution, and in a manner similar to classical part-based approaches, we leverage the kinematic structure of the human body to propagate convolutional feature updates between the keypoints or body parts. Unlike classical approaches, we adopt end-to-end training to learn this geometric prior through feature updates from data. We then propagate the feature representation at the coarsest resolution up the hierarchy to refine the predicted pose in a coarse-to-fine fashion. The final network effectively models the geometric prior and intuition within a lightweight deep neural network, yielding state-of-the-art results for a model of this size on two standard datasets, Leeds Sports Pose and MPII Human Pose.

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