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We present SPSG, a novel approach to generate high-quality, colored 3D models of scenes from RGB-D scan observations by learning to infer unobserved scene geometry and color in a self-supervised fashion. Our self-supervised approach learns to jointly inpaint geometry and color by correlating an incomplete RGB-D scan with a more complete version of that scan. Notably, rather than relying on 3D reconstruction losses to inform our 3D geometry and color reconstruction, we propose adversarial and perceptual losses operating on 2D renderings in order to achieve high-resolution, high-quality colored reconstructions of scenes. This exploits the high-resolution, self-consistent signal from individual raw RGB-D frames, in contrast to fused 3D reconstructions of the frames which exhibit inconsistencies from view-dependent effects, such as color balancing or pose inconsistencies. Thus, by informing our 3D scene generation directly through 2D signal, we produce high-quality colored reconstructions of 3D scenes, outperforming state of the art on both synthetic and real data.
Realistic color texture generation is an important step in RGB-D surface reconstruction, but remains challenging in practice due to inaccuracies in reconstructed geometry, misaligned camera poses, and view-dependent imaging artifacts. In this work, we present a novel approach for color texture generation using a conditional adversarial loss obtained from weakly-supervised views. Specifically, we propose an approach to produce photorealistic textures for approximate surfaces, even from misaligned images, by learning an objective function that is robust to these errors. The key idea of our approach is to learn a patch-based conditional discriminator which guides the texture optimization to be tolerant to misalignments. Our discriminator takes a synthesized view and a real image, and evaluates whether the synthesized one is realistic, under a broadened definition of realism. We train the discriminator by providing as `real examples pairs of input views and their misalign
During 3D reconstruction, it is often the case that people cannot scan each individual object from all views, resulting in missing geometry in the captured scan. This missing geometry can be fundamentally limiting for many applications, e.g., a robot needs to know the unseen geometry to perform a precise grasp on an object. Thus, we introduce the task of semantic instance completion: from an incomplete RGB-D scan of a scene, we aim to detect the individual object instances and infer their complete object geometry. This will open up new possibilities for interactions with objects in a scene, for instance for virtual or robotic agents. We tackle this problem by introducing RevealNet, a new data-driven approach that jointly detects object instances and predicts their complete geometry. This enables a semantically meaningful decomposition of a scanned scene into individual, complete 3D objects, including hidden and unobserved object parts. RevealNet is an end-to-end 3D neural network architecture that leverages joint color and geometry feature learning. The fully-convolutional nature of our 3D network enables efficient inference of semantic instance completion for 3D scans at scale of large indoor environments in a single forward pass. We show that predicting complete object geometry improves both 3D detection and instance segmentation performance. We evaluate on both real and synthetic scan benchmark data for the new task, where we outperform state-of-the-art approaches by over 15 in [email protected] on ScanNet, and over 18 in [email protected] on SUNCG.
We introduce 3D-SIS, a novel neural network architecture for 3D semantic instance segmentation in commodity RGB-D scans. The core idea of our method is to jointly learn from both geometric and color signal, thus enabling accurate instance predictions . Rather than operate solely on 2D frames, we observe that most computer vision applications have multi-view RGB-D input available, which we leverage to construct an approach for 3D instance segmentation that effectively fuses together these multi-modal inputs. Our network leverages high-resolution RGB input by associating 2D images with the volumetric grid based on the pose alignment of the 3D reconstruction. For each image, we first extract 2D features for each pixel with a series of 2D convolutions; we then backproject the resulting feature vector to the associated voxel in the 3D grid. This combination of 2D and 3D feature learning allows significantly higher accuracy object detection and instance segmentation than state-of-the-art alternatives. We show results on both synthetic and real-world public benchmarks, achieving an improvement in mAP of over 13 on real-world data.
We introduce ScanComplete, a novel data-driven approach for taking an incomplete 3D scan of a scene as input and predicting a complete 3D model along with per-voxel semantic labels. The key contribution of our method is its ability to handle large sc enes with varying spatial extent, managing the cubic growth in data size as scene size increases. To this end, we devise a fully-convolutional generative 3D CNN model whose filter kernels are invariant to the overall scene size. The model can be trained on scene subvolumes but deployed on arbitrarily large scenes at test time. In addition, we propose a coarse-to-fine inference strategy in order to produce high-resolution output while also leveraging large input context sizes. In an extensive series of experiments, we carefully evaluate different model design choices, considering both deterministic and probabilistic models for completion and semantic inference. Our results show that we outperform other methods not only in the size of the environments handled and processing efficiency, but also with regard to completion quality and semantic segmentation performance by a significant margin.
Access to large, diverse RGB-D datasets is critical for training RGB-D scene understanding algorithms. However, existing datasets still cover only a limited number of views or a restricted scale of spaces. In this paper, we introduce Matterport3D, a large-scale RGB-D dataset containing 10,800 panoramic views from 194,400 RGB-D images of 90 building-scale scenes. Annotations are provided with surface reconstructions, camera poses, and 2D and 3D semantic segmentations. The precise global alignment and comprehensive, diverse panoramic set of views over entire buildings enable a variety of supervised and self-supervised computer vision tasks, including keypoint matching, view overlap prediction, normal prediction from color, semantic segmentation, and region classification.
A key requirement for leveraging supervised deep learning methods is the availability of large, labeled datasets. Unfortunately, in the context of RGB-D scene understanding, very little data is available -- current datasets cover a small range of sce ne views and have limited semantic annotations. To address this issue, we introduce ScanNet, an RGB-D video dataset containing 2.5M views in 1513 scenes annotated with 3D camera poses, surface reconstructions, and semantic segmentations. To collect this data, we designed an easy-to-use and scalable RGB-D capture system that includes automated surface reconstruction and crowdsourced semantic annotation. We show that using this data helps achieve state-of-the-art performance on several 3D scene understanding tasks, including 3D object classification, semantic voxel labeling, and CAD model retrieval. The dataset is freely available at http://www.scan-net.org.

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