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تحضير ومراقبة معقدات السيكلودكسترين مع المينوكسيديل لتحسين ثباتوانحلال المادة الدوائية

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Pharmacy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In This research inclusion compounds between minoxidil and five different types of cyclodextrins have been prepared in order to obtain an optimized aqueous pharmaceutical formulation of minoxidil.

References used
United States Pharmacopeia
rate research

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Phenol derivatives have been reacted with aryl halides under heterogeneous basic catalyst (Amberlyst-21) using 5 mol% Cu(I) Complex as catalyst, [CuClPPh3]4. The typical reaction has been performed between p-cresol and bromobenzene. This reaction is achieved in o-xylene as solvent. However, the catalyst complex does not dissolve in toluene rather it acts as heterogeneous catalyst. Therefore, it is filtrated at the end of the reaction and reused several times. Accordingly, new compounds were prepared by reacting one of the bromoaryl derivatives with paracetamol. It is anticipated that the synthesized compounds may have pharmaceutical application as non-steroidial anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
The Reaction of Glycerol carried out with tow aryl halides under basic conditions (K2CO3) using 5 mol% of Pd(II)Complex as catalyst, Pd(PPh3)2Cl2. The typical reaction has been performed between glycerol and bromobenzene. This reaction is achieved in water as solvent. However, the catalyst complex does not dissolve in aqueous solutions rather it acts as heterogeneous catalyst. Therefore, it is filtrated at the end of the reaction and reused several times. Accordingly, new compound were prepared by reacting glycerol with 1-bromo-2,6-dichlorobenzene. It is anticipated that the synthesized compounds may have pharmaceutical application.
The history of medicine using medicinal plants goes back thousands of years, and according to the reports of the World Health Organization, many of the world's people mainly use the plant to treat many diseases, and one of the plants that is famous for its widespread use is the leaves of Ginkgo biloba.
A new ligand has been synthesized : 3-(2,6- diisopropylphenylimino) Butan – 2 – one Oxime , and then this ligand has been reacted with bivalence metal chloride MCl2.
We address the problem of enhancing model robustness through regularization. Specifically, we focus on methods that regularize the model posterior difference between clean and noisy inputs. Theoretically, we provide a connection of two recent methods , Jacobian Regularization and Virtual Adversarial Training, under this framework. Additionally, we generalize the posterior differential regularization to the family of f-divergences and characterize the overall framework in terms of the Jacobian matrix. Empirically, we compare those regularizations and standard BERT training on a diverse set of tasks to provide a comprehensive profile of their effect on model generalization. For both fully supervised and semi-supervised settings, we show that regularizing the posterior difference with f-divergence can result in well-improved model robustness. In particular, with a proper f-divergence, a BERT-base model can achieve comparable generalization as its BERT-large counterpart for in-domain, adversarial and domain shift scenarios, indicating the great potential of the proposed framework for enhancing NLP model robustness.
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